The appropriate urban parameters are highly variable from city to city (e.g., some cities may have wide roads and short buildings, other cities may have narrow roads and tall buildings). For best use of the urban canopy models, these parameters should be tuned specifically for the city of interest.
ZR Roof level (building height) [m]
ROOF_WIDTHRoof (i.e., building) width [m]
ROAD_WIDTHRoad width [m]
AHAnthropogenic heat [W m-2]
FRC_URBFraction of the urban landscape which does not have natural vegetation. [Fraction]
CAPRHeat capacity of roof [J m-3 K-1]
CAPBHeat capacity of building wall [ J m-3 K-1]
CAPGHeat capacity of ground (road) [J m-3 K-1]
AKSRThermal conductivity of roof [J m-1 s-1 K-1]
AKSBThermal conductivity of building wall [J m-1 s-1 K-1]
AKSGThermal conductivity of ground (road) [J m-1 s-1 K-1]
ALBRSurface albedo of roof [fraction]
ALBBSurface albedo of building wall [fraction]
ALBGSurface albedo of ground (road) [fraction]
EPSRSurface emissivity of roof [-]
EPSBSurface emissivity of building wall [-]
EPSGSurface emissivity of ground (road) [-]
Z0RRoughness length for momentum, over roof [m]
Z0BRoughness length for momentum, over building wall [m]
Only active for CH_SCHEME == 1
Z0GRoughness length for momentum, over ground (road) [m]
Only active for CH_SCHEME == 1
urban category [index]
street direction [deg from N]
street width [m]
building width [m]
Height [m]
Percentage [%]
DDZRThickness of each roof layer [m]
This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
DDZB:Thickness of each building wall layer [m]
This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
DDZGThickness of each ground (road) layer [m]
This is currently NOT a function urban type, but a function of the number of layers. Number of layers must be 4, for now.
BOUNDRLower boundary condition for roof layer temperature [1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant]
BOUNDBLower boundary condition for wall layer temperature [1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant]
BOUNDGLower boundary condition for ground (road) layer temperature [1: Zero-Flux, 2: T = Constant]
TRLENDLower boundary condition for roof temperature [K]
TBLENDLower boundary temperature for building wall temperature [K]
TGLENDLower boundary temperature for ground (road) temperature [K]
CH_SCHEMECh of Wall and Road [1: M-O Similarity Theory, 2: Empirical Form of Narita et al., 1997 (recommended)]
TS_SCHEMESurface and Layer Temperatures [1: 4-layer model, 2: Force-Restore method]
AHOPTION[0: No anthropogenic heating, 1: Anthropogenic heating will be added to sensible heat flux term]
AHDIUPRFAnthropogenic Heating diurnal profile. Multiplication factor applied to AH (as defined in the table above) Hourly values ( 24 of them ), starting at 01 hours Local Time. For sub-hourly model time steps, value changes on the hour and is held constant until the next hour.