SLOPE_DATA:Linear reservoir coefficient (function of slope type?) [units??]
SBETA_DATA:Parameter used to calculate vegetation effect on soil heat [units??]
FXEXP_DAT:Soil evaporation exponent used in DEVAP [units??]
CSOIL_DATA:Soil heat capacity [J m-3 K-1]
SALP_DATA:Shape parameter of distribution function of snow cover[units??]
REFDK_DATA:Parameter in the surface runoff parameterization [units??]
REFKDT_DATA:Parameter in the surface runoff parameterization [units??]
FRZK_DATA:Frozen ground parameter [units??]
ZBOT_DATA:Depth [m] of lower boundary soil temperature
CZIL_DATA:Parameter used in the calculation of the roughness length for heat [units??] (is this used by Noah somewhere?d)
SMLOW_DATA:Soil moisture wilt, soil moisture reference parameter [units??]
SMHIGH_DATA:Soil moisture wilt, soil moisture reference parameter [units??]