RAL at AGU Fall Meeting 2023
Wide. Open. Science.

Dec. 11 to Dec. 15, 2023
9:00 am – 8:00 pm MST
San Francisco, CA and Online
Main content
AGU Fall Meeting 2023 will be held in San Francisco and online everywhere 11 - 15 December 2023. More than 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries will convene.
The theme is: Wide. Open. Science. 2023 might be the official year of Open Science but we also see it as an opportunity to affirm AGU’s overarching values and beliefs. It is a message for all of us to carry as we come together to share, inspire, collaborate, engage and most of all rededicate ourselves as a united community grounded in wide open science.
We're excited to continue our participation and hope you can join us @NCAR_RAL! #AGU23
AGU 2023
Monday, 11 Dec 2023
- Data Visualization as a Communication Tool in Earth and Space Science, Jennifer Boehnert, 08:00-08:45 PST, Hall D - South eLightning
- Evaluation of Clouds and Surface Solar Irradiance in the CONUS404 using the National Solar Radiation Database, Ju-Hye Kim, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) Poster
- Dynamic coupling of MODFLOW groundwater model within the WRF-Hydro hydrologic modeling system: simulation of water exchange between groundwater, soil moisture, and land surface processes, Farshid Felfelani, 08:30-12:50 PST, MC, Poster Hall A-C - South Poster
- Physics Testing and Development for Regional Climate Simulations Enabled by the CCPP, Lulin Xue, 11:15-11:25 PST, 3006 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Speaker
- Regional Climate Modeling in North America and Europe: Why such Different Paths?, Linda Mearns, 11:35-11:45 PST, MC 3006, West Speaker
- Extreme Precipitation Downscaled from a Large Ensemble of Atmospheric River Events, Ethan Gutmann, 16:25-16:35 PST, 3003 Speaker
- A Process-Informed Credibility Analysis of Different Precipitation Downscaling Methods in the Southern Great Plains, Seth McGinnis, 16:30-16:45 PST, Moscone Center, 3003 - West Speaker
Tuesday, 12 Dec 2023
- An Extensible Perturbed Parameter Ensemble (PPE) for the CESM2-Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) Version 6, Trude Eidhammer, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center) Poster
- Numerical modeling of current and future glacier mass balance and streamflow in Alaska, Trude Eidhammer, 09:40-09:50 PST, 2005 - West (Level 2, West, Moscone Center) Speaker
- Evaluating Noah-MP simulated runoff and snowpack in heavily burned Pacific-Northwest catchments, Ronnie Abolafia-Rosenzweig, 14:20-14:30 PST, 3010 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Speaker
Wednesday, 13 Dec 2023
- Impact of ensemble design on the development of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System, Will Mayfield, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center) Poster
- Dynamical Downscaling to Quantify Changes in Extreme Precipitation Events Over the Western United States in Historical and Future Climate Scenarios, Nicholas Lybarger, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) Poster
Thursday, 14 Dec 2023
- Does strong wind in a Typhoon change collisional breakup of raindrops close to the ground? An attempt from high-tower observational analysis, theoretical consideration, and model simulations, Lulin Xue, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) Poster
- Processes of (Sub)cloud Scales: Modeling, Observations and Parameterizations I Poster, Lulin Xue, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) Co-Chair
- Two suites of 4km-resolution WRF-CTSM simulations in Alaska and Yukon River Basin for historical and mid 21st century climates, Yifan Cheng, 10:00-18:30 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South Poster
- Utilizing Precipitation Datasets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications I Oral, Paul Kucera, 10:20-11:50 PST, 3018 Chair
- Utilizing Precipitation Datasets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications II Poster, Paul Kucera, 14:10-18:30 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South Chair
- Improving Earth System Models Via Hierarchical System Development, Michael Ek, 14:40-14:50 PST, 3018 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Speaker
Friday, 15 Dec 2023
- High-resolution Multiscale Simulations of Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds Observed during the Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE), Branko Kosovic, 08:30-12:50 PST, Moscone Center, South, Poster Hall A-C Poster
- Identifying, Understanding, and Resolving Earth System Model Biases I Poster, Michael Ek, 08:30-12:50 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) Poster
- Converging on the Climate Driven Wildfire Risks of the Wildland Urban Interface, Lee Kessenich, 10:20-11:50 PST, eLightning Theater VI, Hall D - South (Exhibition Level, South, MC) eLightning
- Enhancing snow-aerosol-radiation interaction processes in the Noah with Multi-Parameterization (Noah-MP version 5.0) land surface model, Tzu-Shun Lin, 14:10-18:30 PST, Poster Hall A-C - South (Exhibition Level, South, Moscone Center) Poster
- Identifying, Understanding, and Resolving Earth System Model Biases II Oral, Michael Ek, 16:00-17:30 PST, 3003 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Speaker
- Processes of (Sub)cloud Scales: Modeling, Observations and Parameterizations II Oral, Lulin Xue, 16:00-17:30 PST, 3002 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Co-Chair
- A Flexible Framework to Simulate Lakes and Reservoirs Water Balance Model in a Vector-Based Routing Model from Local to Global Applications, Naoki Mizukami, 16:00-17:30 PST, Moscone Center, South, Hall D eLightning Theater II eLightning
- Developmental Testbed Center: Informing Earth System Model Development Through Model Testing and Evaluation Solutions, Louisa Nance, 16:10-16:20 PST, 3003 - West (Level 3, West, MC) Speaker