We deliver relevant and timely information about the world’s complex water system, assisting water-resource planners and managers to address issues such as water supply, flooding, droughts, reservoir operations, emergency response, to name just a few. Our directed research and development, including several robust decision-support tools in hydrometeorology, aerosol-precipitation interactions, short-term precipitation nowcasting, cloud microphysical modeling, winter weather, and observational networks, are being implemented and deployed in countless arenas by researchers, water resource utility managers, and decision makers worldwide.

Focus Areas of Research


Applied Cloud Physics

Investigating Precipitation Formation in Winter Storms

International Water Resources

Improving understanding of climate impacts on water resources

Land Atmosphere Interactions

Predicting the impacts of land surface and subsurface processes on regional weather, climate, and hydrology.

Observational Hydrology and Modeling

Creating Foundational Knowledge in Hydrometeorological Process Understanding Through Strategic Observational Capabilities

Short-Term Explicit Prediction (STEP)

Short-term forecasting of High-impact weather

Water Resources

Research to improve the fundamental building blocks on which hydrometeorological analyses and climate assessments depend

Water Systems Program (WSP)

Examining the impact of a changing water system on water management and policy

Weather Observations and Improvement

Extreme Conditions Make the Perfect Testbed


Roy Rasmussen

Director, Hydrometeorology Applications Program
