Musselman, K.N., F. Lehner, K. Ikeda, M. Clark, A. Prein, C. Liu, M. Barlage and R. Rasmussen, Projected increases and shifts in rain-on-snow flood risk over western North America (2018), Nature Climate Change, 8, pp. 808–812.
Gutmann, E., R.M. Rasmussen, C. Liu, K. Ikeda, C.. Bruyere, J. Done, L. Garre, P. Friis-Hansen, V. Veldore (2018): Changes in Hurricanes from a 13 Year Convection Permitting Pseudo-Global Warming Simulation, J. Climate, D-17-0291.
Eidhammer, T., V. Grubišić, R.Rasmussen, & K. Ikeda (2018). Winter precipitation efficiency of mountain ranges in the Colorado Rockies under climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123.
Liu, C., K. Ikeda., R. Rasmussen, M. Barlage, A. J. Newman, A. F. Prein, F. Chen, L. Chen, M. Clark, A. Dai, J. Dudhia, T. Eidhammer, D. Gochis, E. Gutmann, S. Kurkute, Y. Li, G. Thompson, D. Yates, 2017: Continental‑scale convection‑permitting modeling of the current and future climate of North America, Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3327-9.
Prein, A.F., C. Liu, K. Ikeda, S. Trier, R. Rasmussen, G. Holland, M. Clark, Increased rainfall volume from future convective storms in the US, ,,,2017: Nature Climate Change, 2017, 7, 880–884, , doi:10
Rasmussen, K. L., A. F. Prein, R. M. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, and C. Liu, 2017: Changes in the convective population and thermodynamic environments in convection-permitting regional climate simulations over the United States. Climate Dynamics,
Prein, A. F., G. J. Holland, R. M. Rasmussen and M. P. Clark, 2017: The future intensification of hourly precipitation extremes. Nature Climate Change, 7, 48-52.
Prein AF, C Liu, K Ikeda, R Bullock, RM Rasmussen, GJ Holland, M Clark (2017) Simulating North American Mesoscale Convective Systems with a Convection Permitting Climate Model. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3947-8
Dai, A., RM Rasmussen, C Liu , K Ikeda , AF Prein (2017) A new mechanism for warm-season precipitation response to global warming based on convection-permitting simulations. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3787-6.
Dai, A., R.M. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, and C. Liu (2017) A new approach to construct representative future forcing data for dynamic downscaling. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3708-8
Prein AF, RM Rasmussen, G Stephens (2017) Challenges and Advances in Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling. BAMS; doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0263.12/5
Prein AF, RM Rasmussen, K Ikeda, C Liu, M Clark, GJ Holland (2017) The future intensification of hourly precipitation extremes. Nature Climate Change; 7(1):48–52; doi:10.1038/nclimate3168
Liu C, K Ikeda, RM Rasmussen, M Barlage, AJ Newman, AF Prein et al. (2017), Continental-scale convection-permitting modeling of the current and future climate of North America. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3327-9
Musselman, K.N., M. P. Clark, C. Liu, K. Ikeda and R. Rasmussen (2017), Slower snowmelt in a warmer world. Nature Climate Change. 7(3), 214-219. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3225
Scafe et al. 2018: Simulating the diurnal cycle of convective precipitation in North America's current and future climate with a convection-permitting model, In review at Climate Dynamics.
Letcher, T.W., J.R. Minder, 2017: The simulated impact of the snow albedo feedback on the large-scale mountain-plain circulation east of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, (Accepted for publication)
Minder, J.R., T.W.* Letcher, C. Liu, 2017: The character and causes of elevation-dependent warming in high-resolution simulations of Rocky Mountain climate change. Journal of Climate (Accepted for publication)
Rasmussen, R.M., K. Ikeda, M. Clark, C. Liu, F. Chen, M. Barlage, A. Newman, E. Gutmann, J. Dudhia, D. Gochis, A. Dai and K. Musselman, 2018: Snowfall and Snowpack Future Trends in the Western U.S. as Revealed by a Convection Resolving Climate Simulation. (To be submitted to J. Climate)
Rasmussen, R. M., C. Liu, K. Ikeda, D. Gochis, D. Yates, F. Chen, M. Tewari, J. Dudhia, W. Yu, K. Miller, K. Arsenault, V. Grubišic, G. Thompson, E. Gutmann, and R. Carbone, 2009: High Resolution Simulation of Seasonal Snowfall over Colorado and some Impacts of Climate Change. To be submitted to J. of Climate.
Ikeda, K., R. M. Rasmussen, C. Liu, D. Gochis, D. Yates, F. Chen, M. Tewari, M. Barlage, J. Dudhia, W. Yu, K. Miller, K. Arsenault, V. Grubišic, G. Thompson, E. Gutmann, and R. Carbone, 2009: Simulation of Seasonal Snowfall over Colorado. Submitted to Atmos. Research.