RAL at AMS 104th Annual Meeting
Living in a Changing Environment
Jan. 27 to Feb. 1, 2024
6:00 am – 5:00 pm MST
Baltimore, Maryland and Online
Main content
The 104th AMS Annual Meeting will take place from 28 January to 1 February, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland. and online. The theme is Living in a Changing Environment.
We're excited to continue our participation and hope you can join us @NCAR_RAL! #AMS2024
AMS 2024
Saturday, 27 Jan 2024
- A Brief Overview of the Energy Industry for Atmospheric Scientists, Jared Lee, 10:25-10:35 EST, 342, WSAP Speaker
- Noah-MP Land Surface Model Tutorial: Model Physics, Code Structures, and Simulation Exercises, Cenlin He, 13:30-17:30 EST, Baltimore Convention Center, HAP Short Course
Monday, 29 Jan 2024
- Grid Operations and Energy Weather/Energy Resiliency: Extreme Weather and Climate Events I, Jared Lee, 08:30-10:00 EST, 347/348, WSAP Co-Chair
- Using NASA Earth Observations to improve air quality decision-making activity in Indian subcontinent, Rajesh Kumar, 09:15-09:30 EST, 344, NSAP Speaker
- Evaluation of Statistical Downscaling Methods for Regional Precipitation Over CONUS Using a K-Means Weather Typing Algorithm, Nicholas Lybarger, 09:15-09:30 EST, 340 (The Baltimore Convention Center), HAP Speaker
- Bring Your Own Python: Extending the METplus Forecast Verification System Capabilities for Users, Daniel Adriaansen, 09:15-09:30 EST, 315 (The Baltimore Convention Center), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Role of Soil Moisture on the Earth’s Radiative Balance through Modulations of Dust Radiative Forcing, Pedro Jimenez Munoz, 09:30-09:45 EST, 328, WSAP Speaker
- Hierarchical Testing for Improvement of Stochastic and Deterministic Physical Parameterizations within the Unified Forecast System (UFS), Kathryn Newman, 09:30-09:45 EST, 315 (The Baltimore Convention Center), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Industry Perspective of Weather Technology in the Cockpit (WTIC) Program Pilot Industry Survey, Tenny Lindholm, 13:00-13:30 EST, 1000, AAP Poster
- Aircraft Icing Research Advances in the Terminal Area using ICICLE Field Campaign Data , Scott Landolt, 13:45-14:00 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Impacts of Vertical Enhancements to NCAR's Prototype Current and Forecast Icing Products/Session 3 - Impacts of Visibility, Clouds, Icing, and Turbulence on Aviation Operations I, Daniel Adriaansen, 14:30-14:45 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Improving Earth System Models via Hierarchical System Development, Weiwei Li, 14:30-14:45 EST, Key 12 (Second Floor, Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor), JNT Speaker
- Improving Earth System Models via Hierarchical System Development, Michael Ek, 14:30-14:45 EST, Key 12 (Second Floor, Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Establishing Community Requirements of Hierarchical System Development for Earth System Models, Tracy Hertneky, 14:45-15:00 EST, Key 12 (Second Floor, Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- A Dynamical Ensemble Approach to Characterizing Uncertainties in the Prediction of Air Quality Downstream of the Massive Western US Wildfires of 2020, Christopher Rozoff, 16:30-16:45 EST, 316, WSAP Speaker
- The Common Community Physics Package: Recent Updates and New Frontiers, Ligia Bernardet, 16:45-17:00 EST, Key 12 (Second Floor, Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Towards coupled fire-atmosphere modeling with the Unified Forecast System, Masih Eghdami, 17:30-17:45 EST, Key 12 (Second Floor, Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor), WSAP Speaker
- Evaluating the Impact of Global Ensemble Perturbations for Partial Cycling EnKF Members on RRFS Prototype Performance, Michael Kavulich, 17:30-17:45 EST, 323, DTC (JNT) Speaker
Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024
- The Devastating 2023 Hawaii Wildfires: A Look at the Impacts, Communications and Policy Implications Moving Forward, Jared Lee, 08:30-10:00 EST, Ballroom II, WSAP Co-Chair
- Joint with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change Joint Session: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions I, Michael Ek, 08:30-10:00 EST, 340 (The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Co-Chair
- Evaluating the Precipitation Impacts of Cloud Seeding in the Medicine Bow and Sierra Madre Ranges using WRF-WxModⓇ within an Ensemble Modeling Framework, Michelle Harrold, 09:00-09:15 EST, 314 (The Baltimore Convention Center), HAP Speaker
- Hydrologic Impacts of Cloud Seeding in the Medicine Bow and Sierra Madre Ranges using WRF-WxModⓇ and WRF-Hydro Simulations, Erin Dougherty , 09:15-09:30 EST, 314, HAP Speaker
- A Multivariate Approach for Identifying Modeled Liquid Propane Seeding Opportunities, Courtney Weeks Karkkainen, 09:30-09:45 EST, 314, HAP Speaker
- Using METplus to Asses Impactful Snow Events During the 2022-23 Winter Weather Experiment (WWE), Tracy Hertneky, 09:45-10:00 EST, 327, JNT Speaker
- Fire Weather and Public Safety Power Shutoff Forecasting, Jared Lee, 13:45-15:00 EST, 347/348, WSAP Co-Chair
- Enhancing Noah-MP model representation of fire impacts on land surface conditions, Cenlin He, 13:45-14:00 EST, TBD, HAP Speaker
- Joint with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change Joint Session: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions II, Michael Ek, 13:45-15:00 EST, 340 (The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Co-Chair
- Development and Assessment of an Ensemble Forecast System for Fire Weather and Public Safety Power Shutoffs in the Idaho Region, Masih Eghdami, 14:15-14:30 EST, 347/348, WSAP Speaker
- Joint with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change Joint Session: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions - Posters, Michael Ek, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E (100 Level, The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Co-Chair
- Joint with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change Joint Session: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions - ePosters, Michael Ek, 15:30-16:50 EST, Hall E (100 Level, The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Co-Chair
- Joint with the 38th Conference on Hydrology and 37th Conference on Climate Variability and Change Joint Session: Land-Atmosphere and Land-Ocean Interactions III, Michael Ek, 16:30-18:00 EST, 340 (The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Co-Chair
- Introducing the Current Icing Product (CIP) and Forecast Icing Product (FIP) Freezing Rain Potential, Alex Rugg, 16:45-17:00 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Investigating the Potential for Cloud Seeding in the East River Basin of Colorado, Sarah Tessendorf, 17:15-17:30 EST, 314, HAP Speaker
- Turbulence Measurements Derived from ADS-B Reports , Larry Cornman, 17:15-17:30 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Evaluation of Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System Tropical Cyclone Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts, Kathryn Newman, 17:15-17:30 EST, 320 (The Baltimore Convention Center), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Current Updates to the Graphical Turbulence Guidance Nowcast (GTGN) Algorithm, Julia Pearson, 17:45-18:00 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
Wednesday, 31 Jan 2024
- Solar Resource Assessment, Jared Lee, 08:30-10:00 EST, 347/348, WSAP Co-Chair
- Solar Forecasting, Jared Lee, 10:45-12:00 EST, 347/348, WSAP Co-Chair
- Meso-to-microscale building-resolving simulations of fine-scale flow features associated with the urban landscape of Tulsa, OK in preparation for the WINDMAP IOP , James Pinto, 10:45-11:00 EST, BCC-317, AAP Speaker
- Probability and Verification for High Impact Weather Events II, Christina Kalb, 13:45-15:00 EST, 302/303, DTC (JNT) Co-Chair
- ARAM Weather Research and Operations I , Scott Landolt, 13:45-15:00 EST, 317, AAP Co-Chair
- Integration of Model Large-Scale Environmental Diagnostics for Tropical Cyclones into the Model Environmental Tools (METplus) Verification System, Paul Kucera, 14:30-14:45 EST, 323, JNT Speaker
- The Impacts of Erroneous Freezing Fog Observations on Aircraft Ground Icing Operations , Scott Landolt, 14:30-14:45 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Advanced Testing and Evaluation by the Developmental Testbed Center towards Physics Unification in the UFS, Weiwei Li, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E (100 Level, The Baltimore Convention Center), DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Advanced Testing and Evaluation by the Developmental Testbed Center towards Physics Unification in the UFS, Tracy Hertneky, 15:05-16:30 EST, Hall E (100 Level, The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Poster
- A Paradigm Shift in Cloud-Seeding Research and Evaluation, Sarah Tessendorf, 16:30-17:00 EST, 314, HAP Speaker
- Assessing the Impact of Marine Clouds on Offshore Wind offshore the US West Coast in a Changing Climate/ Offshore Wind Resource Assessment I, Sue Haupt, 17:00-17:15 EST, Convention Center 347/348, WSAP Speaker
- Introducing Two New Gauge Enhanced Satellite Precipitation Datasets - CHIMES and CHIRPS-v3, Paul Kucera, 17:15-17:30 EST, 339, JNT Speaker
Thursday, 1 Feb 2024
- Novel Methods in Postprocessing and Verification, Diagnostics, and Evaluation of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Mrinal Biswas, 07:00-08:00 EST, 302/303, JNT Co-Chair
- Going Beyond the Terrestrial: Space Weather Verification with METplus / Verification Methods I, Jonathan Vigh, 07:30-07:45 EST, 302/303 (300 Level, The Baltimore Convention Center), JNT Speaker
- An Integrated Approach to Modeling, Observations, and Prediction of Water Availability, Timothy Schneider, 08:30-10:00 EST, 340, RALAO Chair
- Transition to Carbon-Free Energy Generation, Jared Lee, 10:45-12:00 EST, Ballroom III/IV, WSAP Co-Chair
- Assessing the Impacts of Integrating High-Resolution Land Use Data in WRF-Chem on Air Quality Forecasting in New Delhi, India, Mrinal Biswas, 12:15-12:30 EST, 321/322, NSAP Speaker
- Verification Methods II, Tracy Hertneky, 13:45-15:00 EST, 302/303, JNT Co-Chair
- Comparing the Impact of Ensemble Design in the Rapid Refresh Forecast System Using Object-Based Methods, Christina Kalb, 14:00-14:15 EST, 302/303, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Stations Matter: How Gauge-Enhanced Gridded Precipitation Estimates Can Inform Humanitarian Decision Making and Help Vulnerable Countries Manage Extreme Events, Paul Kucera, 15:00-16:30 EST, Halle E, JNT Poster
- Impact of Assimilating Uncrewed Aircraft System Observations on River-Valley Fog Prediction, Matthew Wilson, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E, AAP Poster
- Poster Session - An Integrated Approach to Modeling, Observations, and Prediction of Water Availability, Timothy Schneider, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E, RALAO Chair
- The GEWEX Regional HydroClimate Projects and International Research Collaboration Relevant to the Contiguous United States, Timothy Schneider, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E, RALAO Poster
- A New GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Project for the Contiguous United States, Timothy Schneider, 15:00-16:30 EST, Hall E, RALAO Poster
- Probabilistic Forecasts of Upper-Level Turbulence at Convection-Permitting Resolutions, Hyeyum (Hailey) Shin, 16:30-16:45 EST, 317, AAP Speaker
- Leveraging the 3D-PAWS to Expand In-Situ Observations for the Famine Early Warning System Network, Paul Kucera, 16:45-17:00 EST, 341, JNT Speaker
- Assessing the Impacts of Assimilating SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals on WRF-Chem Simulations of Dust Storm Events, Jared Lee, 17:45-18:00 EST, 309, WSAP Speaker