RAL at AMS 2025
Towards a Thriving Planet: Charting the Course Across Scales

Jan. 12 to Jan. 16, 2025
6:00 am – 5:00 pm MST
New Orleans, Louisiana and Online
Main content
The 105th AMS Annual Meeting will take place from 12 - 16 January 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana and online. The theme is Towards a Thriving Planet: Charting the Course Across Scales.
We're excited to continue our participation and hope you can join us @NCAR_RAL! #AMS2025
AMS 2025
Sunday, 12 Jan 2025
- Comparative Analysis between 3D-Printed Automatic Weather Stations and Co-located Kenya Meteorological Department Stations, Jack Halberstadt, 18:30-20:00 CST, Hall C, JNT Speaker
Monday, 13 Jan 2025
- Evaluation of Building-Resolving Simulations Using Observations from the microSCALES Field Campaign, James Pinto, 09:45-10:00 CST, 354, AAP Speaker
- Influences of Topography and Land Use on the Track and Structure of Hurricane Douglas (2020) During its Passage Near Hawaii, Christopher Rozoff, 10:45-11:00 CST, 221, NSAP Speaker
- Session 2 - Improving Representation of Processes in Earth System Models for Weather and Climate to Address Systematic Biases, Fourth Symposium on Community Modeling and Innovation, Kathryn Newman, 10:45-12:00 CST, 238 (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center), JNT Chair
- J2B.1 - Convergence, Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities of Weather Modification and Regional Climate Intervention Research, Lulin Xue, 10:45-11:00 CST, 220 (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center), HAP Speaker
- Coupled WRF-Hydro and Ufs Modeling to Improve Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictions - Advancements in Subseasonal-to Seasonal (S2S) Precipitation and Drought Predictions and Forecasts, Part II, Erin Dougherty , 11:00-11:15 CST, 352, HAP Speaker
- Using the METplus TC Tools to Verify Tropical Cyclones in Real Time, Molly Smith, 11:00-11:15 CST, 341, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Verifying Predictions from RRFS-Smoke Prototypes using METplus within the UFS SRW Application, Michael Kavulich, 11:45-12:00 CST, 341, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- A Demonstration of Low-Cost Observations in the Face of Adversity, Brianna Smith, 13:45-14:00 CST, 348, JNT Speaker
- Variations in In-Flight Icing Likelihood over the U.S. During Different Weather Regimes, Daniel Adriaansen, 14:15-14:30 CST, 354, AAP Speaker
- Verification of Flash Flood Watches and Warnings using 3D-Printed Automatic Weather Stations and Doppler Radar, Andre Brathwaite, 14:15-14:30 CST, 348, JNT Speaker
- Application of surface-reported weather type in the Terminal Area Icing Diagnosis and Forecasting Capability , Darcy Jacobson, 14:30-14:45 CST, 354, AAP Speaker
- Impacts of Collision induced Drop Breakup on Droplet Size Distributions using Lagrangian Superdroplet Method in Idealized Box Model Simulations, Puja Roy, 14:45-15:00 CST, 224 (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center), HAP Speaker
- Classifying Cloud Top Phase with GOES-16 Longwave Bands, ICICLE Data, and Machine Learning, Joshua Lave, 14:45-15:00 CST, 354, AAP Speaker
- Winter Orographic Cloud Seeding in SNOWIE: Insights from Ensemble Simulation, Sisi Chen, 15:00-15:40 CST, Hall C, HAP Poster
- Stochastic Physics in MPAS: Facilitating the Transition of MPAS into the UFS for Future Use in the RRFS, Will Mayfield, 15:00-16:30 CST, Hall C, DTC (JNT) Poster
- Impact of Visibility, Clouds, Icing, and Turbulence on Aviation Operations II, Daniel Adriaansen, 16:30-18:00 CST, 354, AAP Co-Chair
- How is the Common Community Physics Package Governed?, Ligia Bernardet , 17:00-17:15 CST, 238, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Downscaling Method Evaluation for Regional Precipitation and Temperature Over CONUS, Nicholas Lybarger, 17:00-17:15 CST, 209, HAP Speaker
- The Next Generation of High-Resolution Current and Forecast Icing Products, Alex Rugg, 17:15-17:30 CST, 354, AAP Speaker
- Implementation and Validation of an Offshore-specific Machine Learning Surface Layer Model in WRF / AI Applications in the Energy Sector, Patrick Hawbecker, 17:45-18:00 CST, 217, WSAP Speaker
Tuesday, 14 Jan 2025
- Session 5B - Physics and Dynamics Development I, 33rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting (WAF)/29th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), Kathryn Newman, 08:30-10:00 CST, 207 (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center), JNT Chair
- Benefits of International Public-Private Partnerships And Global Data Sharing, James Pinto, 08:30-10:00 CST, La Nouvelle C, AAP Panelist
- Developing a Scale-Aware Snow Cover Parameterization in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model, Cenlin He, 09:15-09:30 CST, 209, HAP Speaker
- Coalescing Atmospheric Physics: Recent Development, Collaboration, and Use of the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP), Grant Firl , 09:30-09:45 CST, 238, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Enhanced Air Quality Forecast System Through Chemical Data Assimilation: A Co-Design Effort with Local Stakeholders in Eastern and Southern Africa, Shima Shams, 09:45-10:00 CST, 229, NSAP Speaker
- 7.3 - Enhancing Air Quality Decision-Making Activity in Indian Subcontinent By Integrating Multi-Scale Modeling with Earth Observations, Rajesh Kumar, 14:15-14:30 CST, 214, NSAP Speaker
- Comparative Rainfall Analysis of 3D-Printed Automatic Weather Stations with Co-located Kenya Meteorological Department Stations, Jack Halberstadt, 14:30-14:45 CST, 348, JNT Speaker
- Impacts of Evaporative Cooling on Droplet Temperature and Radius Evolution at Moderately Supercooled Mixed-phase Cloud Boundaries, Puja Roy, 15:00-16:30 CST, Poster Session Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Mixed-Phase Clouds Posters, HAP Poster
- Object-based Verification of the HRRR, FV3-based RRFS, and MPAS-based Configurations during the 2024 Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecast Experiment, Michelle Harrold, 15:00-16:30 CST, Poster, DTC (JNT) Poster
Wednesday, 15 Jan 2025
- Advances in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, Daniel Adriaansen, 08:30-10:00 CST, 354, AAP Co-Chair
- Recent Advances in METplus Verification and Diagnostic Capabilities, Michelle Harrold, 15:00-16:30 CST, Hall C , DTC (JNT) Poster
- Comparing HRRR and RRFS in Predicting Convective Systems over the Eastern CONUS in JJA 2023 and 2024, Joseph Grim, 15:00-15:40 CST, Hall C, AAP Poster
- Comparison of different machine learning techniques for the source term estimation at the local scale/ Artificial Intelligence for Earth Science Poster Session, Stefano Alessandrini, 15:00-16:30 CST, Hall C, WSAP Poster
- Exploring Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Unified Forecast System using the Common Community Physics Package Single Column Model (CCPP-SCM), Julia Simonson, 15:00-16:30 CST, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, DTC (JNT) Poster
- Developmental Testbed Center: Informing Earth System Model Development Through Model Testing and Evaluation Solutions, Louisa Nance, 16:30-16:45 CST, 343, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Towards a Digital Twin of Atmospheric Flow for Microscale Applications/Artificial Intelligence for Earth Science II , Sue Ellen Haupt, 17:15-17:30 CST, 339, WSAP Speaker
- The Levee Effect: Flood Risk, Social Vulnerability, and Engineered Solutions, Cyndi Vail Castro, 17:45-18:00 CST, 221, HAP Speaker
Thursday, 16 Jan 2025
- Session 13B - Weather and the Roads, Amanda Siems-Anderson, 08:30-10:00 CST, 344, WSAP Co-Chair
- Evaluating Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) Forecasts using Alternate Physics Configurations, Kathryn Newman, 09:00-09:15 CST, 343, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- A Model Verification Framework for HAFS: Unifying Verification Across UFS Applications with METplus and UWTools, Michael Kavulich, 09:00-09:15 CST, 219, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Timely, Gridded Estimates of Fuel Moisture Content Based on Machine Learning and Satellite Data, Jason Knievel, 09:15-09:30 CST, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center room 201/202, NSAP Speaker
- Assessment of Roadway Flood Severity Using Traffic Mobility Data, Curtis Walker, 09:45-10:00 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Automated Vehicles and Meteorology Summit: Recap and Next Steps, Curtis Walker, 10:45-11:00 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Session 14A - Automated Vehicles & Meteorology, Amanda Siems-Anderson, 10:45-12:00 CST, 344, WSAP Co-Chair
- Verification of Specific Phenomena, Christina Kalb, 10:45-12:00 CST, 207, JNT Co-Chair
- Evaluation of Mesoscale Model Simulations with 1D and 3D Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations over California’s Central Coast Using Large Eddy Simulations and Observations, Eric Hendricks, 11:00-11:15 CST, 217 (New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center), NSAP Speaker
- EIPT Enabling Efficient Automated Vehicle Operations via Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications, Amanda Siems-Anderson, 11:45-12:00 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Session 15 - Decision Support Systems used for Transportation, Amanda Siems-Anderson, 13:45-15:00 CST, 344, WSAP Co-Chair
- Pikalert: NSF-NCAR's Road Weather Hazard Prediction System (Session 15 Decision Support Systems used for Transportation, Thomas Brummet, 14:00-14:15 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Changes to Snow, Rain, and Dry Days in a Headwaters Basin to the Colorado River in a Future, Warmer Climate, Erin Dougherty , 14:00-14:15 CST, 221, HAP Speaker
- Bridging Community Physics Innovations and NWP Models: Advanced UFS Physics Testing by the Developmental Testbed Center, Man Zhang, 14:00-14:15 CST, 213, DTC (JNT) Speaker
- Denver International Airport Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) Modernization and Enhancements, Seth Linden, 14:30-14:45 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Automated Weather Classification for Decision Support using Roadside Imagery , Bill Petzke, 14:45-15:00 CST, 344, WSAP Speaker
- Investigating Microphysics Timestep and Multi-Microphysics Intercomparisons in Arctic Stratiform Mixed-Phase Clouds during MOSAiC, Tracy Hertneky, 15:00-16:30 CST, Hall C, DTC (JNT) Poster
- Integrating Fire Weather Forecast System Verification into METplus, Amanda Siems-Anderson, 15:00-16:30 CST, Hall C, DTC (JNT) Poster