WRF-Hydro Meteorological Forcing Engine (MFE) - Beta

WRF-Hydro Meteorological Forcing Engine (MFE) - Beta

A new, open-source, Python meteorological pre-processor has been developed for preparing meteorological input data into the community WRF-Hydro system. This new tool, called the WRF-Hydro Meteorological Forcing Engine (MFE) supports the ingest and processing of a wide variety of meteorological data from satellites, weather radar, numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, climate models and various analysis and re-analysis products. In addition to basic processing capabilities like regridding, reformatting, and standardizing meteorological data from different sources the WRF-Hydro MFE also contains several important data processing routines for performing downscaling and statistical bias correction which can significantly improve the quality of data for high-resolution hydrologic modeling applications. The MFE, which produces cf-compliant netcdf data files ready for input into WRF-Hydro, offers a significant capability in lowering the barrier to entry for performing complex hydrologic modeling research and forecasting operations.

Currently, only readme level documentation and a jupyternotebook lesson are available for usage guidance and support limited.
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