Radio Frequency Spectrum Usage and Interference Concerns of the Weather Research and Operations Community

Seminar - RAL Seminar Series
Jan. 29, 2021

10:00 – 11:15 am MST

Main content

The meteorological community increasingly relies on remote-sensing technologies for both routine and experimental observations of weather and climate.  These activities require global access to radio frequency spectrum by radars, wind profilers, microwave radiometers, and telemetry systems, as well as satellite-based passive and active sensors. Advancements in meteorological predictions made in recent years is largely attributable to these technologies. Development of new environmental sensing technologies is of growing importance. Current and planned satellite radar systems measure clouds and precipitation important for weather forecasting and global climate change research and assessment.  A variety of other space-based and ground-based radio technologies are currently in experimental use and may require future radio spectrum allocations. Rapidly expanding communications applications make the radio frequency spectrum an extremely valuable resource, and so the frequency bands used for operational meteorology and Earth system science research are in increasing jeopardy. This webinar will highlight how radio spectrum is used for atmospheric sensing, discuss current radio frequency interference concerns, and provide updates on education and outreach activities to policy makers responsible for spectrum management. 





Bill Mahoney, Renee Leduc, Dr. Jordan Gerth, David Lubar and Dr. Jothiram Vivekanandan