HAPpy Hour Seminar - Initiatives in hydrologic modeling and prediction across scales and institutions

Seminar - HAPpy Hour
Oct. 14, 2022

3:00 – 4:00 pm MDT

Join us virtually with the google meet link below
Main content

Andy Wood


In the past few years, NCAR has become involved with a range of new hydrologic modeling and prediction activities spanning local to global scales.  These support water resources management and hazard reduction, with sponsorship coming from water resources agencies, with NCAR's role being to connect Earth System science to real-world stakeholder needs and management.  This presentation gives an overview of a few of the efforts including projects at spatial scales from local (eg, Lake Estes / Big Thompson management) to regional (eg, Columbia River forecast system for USACE) to national (e.g., NextGen National Water Modeling) to global (e.g., WMO global data processing and forecasting system, and Hydrologic Status and Outlook System).  The goal of the talk is to raise awareness about the activities and to discover links with related NCAR projects.