RAL SEMINAR: Leveraging Exascale Technology to Advance NSF NCAR Science within RAL
1:00 – 2:00 pm MST
John Dennis
John Dennis received a PhD in computer science in 2005. He is a Scientist in the Computer Information and Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He co-leads a research group that focuses on improving the ability of large-scale geoscience applications to utilize current and future computing platforms. His research interests include parallel algorithm and compiler optimization, graph partitioning, and data-intensive computing.
An institution-wide team was formed to determine the best course of action concerning using exascale technology to advance NSF NCAR's science objectives. The end product of this evaluation was the creation of both a general and laboratory-specific set of recommendations regarding how exascale technology can advance our science objectives. In our presentation, we describe science objectives that are potentially of interest to the RAL community that can benefit from the use of exascale technology. We also provide both NSF NCAR-wide and laboratory-specific recommendations to advance the RAL community's use of exascale technologies.
- Seminar Handout: John Dennis (321.33 KB)