Virtual Seminar/talk- Operational NWP systems at Météo-France: model development, recent progress, ongoing activities.

Feb. 16, 2024

11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST

Main content

Francois Bouyssel


Bio- François currently leads the numerical weather prediction (NWP) research group at Météo-France in charge of maintaining and developing the global (Arpege) and regional (Arome) operational numerical weather forecasting systems of Météo-France and of conducting research which prepares future versions. This mission is carried out in an environment of strong international cooperation. These NWP systems are based on a computer code common to many services in Europe, such as ECMWF and ACCORD consortium. Previously, François was leading the team in charge of the representation of atmospheric and surface physical processes in operational NWP systems developed at Météo-France. The team has contributed to the development of a new prognostic moist physics common for NWP and Climate versions of the global model and of the prototype and the first operational versions of a kilometer-scale NWP regional model (Arome). At the beginning of his career, he performed research activities on the assimilation of surface parameters for continental surfaces in NWP systems, in the continuation of his PhD on developing a variational analysis of superficial soil moisture and temperature from screen level atmospheric parameters. He was also involved in the development of linearized physical parametrizations for the 4DVar analysis of the global NWP system and of an optimal interpolation analysis for surface and upper-air parameters for nowcasting at regional scales. His research activities are on modeling of atmospheric physical processes at different spatial and temporal scales in NWP systems.

Abstract- Météo-France is running and developing an operational suite of numerical weather prediction systems, including ensemble data assimilation and prediction systems at global and regional scales. These systems are based on the global (Arpege) and the non-hydrostatic kilometer-scale regional (Arome) numerical models. These systems have been developed jointly by collaborative efforts between Météo-France, ECMWF, and other National Meteorological Services (NMS) within the ACCORD consortium. The talk will present the key characteristics of these NWP systems including the physics parameterization schemes, the recent and on-going developments such as a new regional model at 500m horizontal resolution, the forecast quality of these systems and the process to upgrade the operational NWP suite.

On behalf of  ICAMS PIIT,

Jim Doyle ( co-chair
Mike Ek ( co-chair  

DK Kang (


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Michael Ek

Director, Joint Numerical Testbed
