USDA/USFS/NCAR Integrated Data and Tools for Watershed Condition Assessments

Integrated Data and Tools for Watershed Condition Assessments Scoping Meeting

Room 120, USDA Building A,  2150 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado

Sep. 6 - 7, 2017


08:30  Day 1 Opening Session

Stage Setting, purpose and desired outcomes of the meeting:            David Levinson (NSAEC)

             Watershed Condition Framework: original intent, current impacts, future directions   David Levinson

9:00 Extended introductions for each participant to start meeting networking:
              Background, expertise, why are you here, what questions do you have, etc.

10:00 Plenary: “Towards a next-generation integrated WCF capability”
                                                                                         Chris Carlson (AD Water and Aquatic Resources)

10:30 Break

10:45  Panel  I: Needs and Opportunities for Integrated Data-driven Evaluation of the WCF

Introduction and outcomes:  “Developing a consistent approach to assessing and documenting
                     changed conditions on NFS watersheds”,                                    
David Levinson (chair)

Panel topics: (Three 10-min/2-slide panelist presentations, followed by open discussion)

               1. What is being done right now to collect WCF data?                       Brian Staab (R6)  

               2. How is WCF data being used in USFS Decision making               Mike Eberle (WFWARP)

               3. What current methods & data are robust & scalable nationwide?  Dave Cleland (WO-FMRVM)

                                   Which would benefit from increased automation? 

12:00  Lunch

13:30  Panel 2: Bridging the geospatial and temporal divides

              Plenary: NASA remote sensing assets and programs.   Kathleen Hibbard, NASA Earth Sciences

Introduction and outcomes:                                                                     Lawrence Buja  (chair)

Panel topics: (Three 10-min/2-slide panelist presentations, followed by open discussion)

              1.  What are the geospatial scales needed and national/regional/local data available to resolve
                           indicators at the WS level?                                                          Rob Vaughan GTAC
              2.  Bottom up: how to move from the project scale to the watershed?     Dave Theobald (CSU/CSP)
Top down: How to make large scale products relevant to the WS scale decisions?   
                                                                                                                                 Caspar Amman (NCAR)

15:00  Group Picture + Break

15:30  Panel 3: Gaps:  What integrated Observation/Remote-Sensed/Simulated products are needed?

Introduction and outcomes:  Do we have the right baseline data to assess the effect of
             concentrated treatments on the priority watersheds?
                 Rich Mackenzie  (chair)

Panel topics: (Three 10-min/2-slide panelist presentations, followed by open discussion)

                1. Which WCF products could be remote sensed?                                         Andy Jones (CSU)

                2. Which products are best collected in-situ observed - Aerial, drones & automated sensors
                                                                                                                                 Rich Pouyat (WO R&D)

                3. Which products need to be simulated?  What are the appropriate downscaling approaches?
                                                                                                                                 David Merritt (NSAEC)

17:00      Adjourn

18:00-20:00  Group Dinner


Day 2

08:30  Opening Session:    Recap of Day 1, goals for day 2                                          David Levinson

            Plenary: Best Practices & Lessons learned from Hawaii Ecosystem Management project.
                                                                                                                                          Rich Mackenzie

            Plenary: WRF-Hydro and High-resolution CONUS climate simulations            David Yates (NCAR)


10:15  Break


10:30   Panel 4:  Building Integrated Data-driven Evaluation of the WCF

Introduction and outcomes:  Framing: What variables, spatial, temporal and quality resolutions, and certainties are required to quantitatively assess WCF indicators in a consistent manner nationally via automated monitoring and remote sensing?                                        John Rothlisberger (chair)

Panel topics:   (Three 10-min/2-slide panelist presentations, followed by open discussion)

                  1. Performance metrics and their application to WCF                              Julie Nygard

                  2. How do we create DSS to connect to decision makers?                       Keith Reynolds (PNW)

                  3. What other FS/Agency/International collaborations can we take advantage of?    Dave Rugg

12:00 Lunch

1:30 Breakout Sessions (3) on concrete next steps (leads Anita Rose, Andy Dolloff, Frank McCormick)

Notes from:  Group 1            Group 2           Group 3

Given the charge from the Deputy Chief for National Forests and Grasslands to “review the WCC to see if there are new approaches for collecting consistent watershed condition information and determine how can these new approaches can be implemented”,  please address all the questions below:

1. What are the existing/cutting edge approaches (tools/processes/techniques) available now or within the next year to respond to the charge?

2.  a) What WCC variables lend themselves to new approaches and which do not?
     b) What WCC attributes and indicators should be considered for addition/replacement?

3.  What are some game-changing or grand-challenges here?  For example:
      - How to assess watershed condition at much higher spatial/temporal resolutions (daily at 1m)?
      - Can/should we fully automated some/all WCC collection?
      - How might/could/should we take the current condition assessment and project future conditions to      help inform management decisions today?

4. Who (individuals/entities) should be at the next meeting to address the charge?

3:00  Break

3:30   Summary:  Levinson (chair)

Breakout Summaries by rapporteurs & leads

Open discussion on breakout conclusions,  possible pilot projects and concrete next steps

4:30 Adjourn