Weather Radar Nowcast Training
- To enahnce forecasters skills in interpretation of radar images.
- To provide insights about radar added value in nowcasting and early warning services.
Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
- Prerequisite - pre-course self learning | Weather Radar Fundamentals Training Module
- Live training sessions - four one hour virtual training sessions
- Getting Started
- Radar Basics and Interpretation
- Science Nowcasting storms in the Lake Victoria Basin region of East Africa
- Future Plans and questions
- Interactive videos - Five short interactive videos containing quizzes on the subject matter being shown.
- Short Lecture 1: Interpretation of weather radar echoes
- Short Lecture 2: Radar low-level convergence boundaries
- Short Lecture 3: Range and velocity folding or how to scan the radar
- Short Lecture 4: Extrapolation Nowcasting
- Short Lecture 5: Use of boundaries for nowcasting
The following recorded lectures were sponsored by WISER, WMO and the Highway Project
Training Sessions
Recorded live lectures available here.
Live Lecture 1: Getting Started
Presented Monday, September 14, 2020
Live Lecture 2: Radar Basics and Interpretation
Presented Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Live Lecture 3: Science Nowcasting storms in the Lake Victoria Basin region of East Africa
Presented Tuesday, September 21, 2020
Training Videos
The following recorded Weather Radar Nowcast Training lectures were part of the
HIGHWAY Project (High Impact Weather Lake System)
Sponsored by Foreign Commonwealth Development Office & WISER Programme
Radar data images courtesy of Tanzania Meteorological Authority & Uganda National Meteorological Authority
Lecture 1: Interpretation of Weather Radar
Instructors: Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
Lecture 2: Radar Low-Level Convergence Boundaries - Jim Wilson
Instructors: Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
Lecture 3: Range & Velocity Folding, How to Scan Radar - Jim Wilson
Instructors: Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
Lecture 4: Radar Extrapolation for Nowcasting
Instructors: Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
Lecture 5: Use of Boundaries for Nowcasting
Instructors: Jim Wilson, Senior Scientist Emeritus
Rita Roberts, Project Scientist III
Training Events
- WISER Weather Radar for Nowcasting and Early Warning | 14-25 September 2020 - Sponsored by United Kingdom’s Weather and Climate for Information Services (WISER) for Africa program, WMO and the Highway Project
Please direct questions/comments about this page to:
Matthias Steiner
Director, Aviation Applications Program