Meso-Microscale Coupling

The Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling project is a 6-year collaborative effort involving Pacific Northwest National Lab, National Renewable Energy Lab, and Lawrence Livermore National Lab as well as NCAR and funded by DOE’s Wind Energy Technology Office. The project objective is to develop, verify, and validate physical models and modeling techniques the bridge the most important atmospheric scales that determine wind plant performance and reliability as well as to aid wind plant optimization. The team has developed a set of high-performance-computing-based multiscale wind plant simulation tools that provide knowledge of complex atmospheric flow characteristics. These tools have been tested in a variety of atmospheric and terrain conditions, both for onshore and offshore wind plants.
DOE Wind Energy Technology Office
- List of Meso-Microscale Coupling Project Publications (140.31 KB)
On Bridging a Modeling Scale Gap: Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling for Wind Energy
Haupt, S.E., B. Kosovic, W. Shaw, L. Berg, M. Churchfield, J. Cline, C. Draxl, B. Ennis, E. Koo, R. Kotamarthi, L. Mazzaro, J. Mirocha, P. Moriarty, D. Munoz-Esparza, E. Quon, R.K. Rai, M. Robinson, G. Sever, 2019: On Bridging a Modeling Scale Gap: Mesoscale to Microscale Coupling for Wind Energy, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Dec. 2019, 2533-2549.
Evaluating Terrain as a Turbulence Generation Method
Hawbecker, P. and Churchfield, M., 2021. Evaluating Terrain as a Turbulence Generation Method. Energies, 14(21), 6858 (1-26).
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Large-Eddy Simulation sensitivities to variations of configuration and forcing parameters in canonical boundary layer flows for wind energy applications
Mirocha, J.D., M.J. Churchfield, D. Munoz-Esparaza, R. Rai, Y. Feng, B. Kosovic, S.E. Haupt, B. Brown, B.L. Ennis, C. Draxl, J.S. Rodrigo, W.J. Shaw, L.K. Berg, P. Moriarty, R. Linn, R.V. Kotamarthi, R. Balakrishnan, J. Cline, M. Robinson, and S. Ananthan, 2017: Large-Eddy Simulation sensitivities to variations of configuration and forcing parameters in canonical boundary layer flows for wind energy applications, Wind Energy Sci., 3, 589-613,
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Generation of Inflow Turbulence in Large-Eddy Simulations of Nonneutral Atmospheric Boundary Layers with the Cell Perturbation Method
Muñoz-Esparza, D. and Kosović, B., 2018a: Generation of Inflow Turbulence in Large-Eddy Simulations of Nonneutral Atmospheric Boundary Layers with the Cell Perturbation Method. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146(6), 1889-1909.
Evaluation of the Impact of Horizontal Grid Spacing in Terra Incognita on Coupled Mesoscale-microscale Simulations using the WRF Framework
Rai, R.K., L.K. Berg, B. Kosovic, S.E. Haupt, J.D. Mirocha, B. Ennis, and C. Draxl, 2019: Evaluation of the Impact of Horizontal Grid Spacing in Terra Incognita on Coupled Mesoscale-microscale Simulations using the WRF Framework, Monthly Wea. Rev, 147, 1007-1027.