Climate and Wildfire
Decision support and planning for future scenarios of wildland fire

Climate and Wildfire
Decision support and planning for future scenarios of wildland fire
We support proactive planning for future scenarios of wildland fire, including changes in fire simultaneity, seasonality, and severity. We also examine the atmospheric drivers of these changes. Additionally, we have formed a collaboration with researchers from the University of Washington and University of California, Merced to provide solutions to wildfire related problems facing stakeholders including fire managers, fire ecologists, and land managers for tribal and US government agencies. This effort focuses on converging a number of disciplines including decision science, climate science, statistics, and fire science to provide actionable science. Additional information on this collaborative effort can be found here: Managing Future Risk of Increasing Simultaneous Megafires
We’ve also published code to calculate multiple fire weather indices from climate information:
- University of Washington
- University of California Merced
Representative Projects
- Managing Future Risk of Increasing Simultaneous Megafires - This research effort tackles the challenges that simultaneous megafires currently pose to decision makers and stakeholders, and supports proactive planning for future scenarios to mitigate risk
- A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales - HyperFACETS
Building a climate service for North America based on the NA-CORDEX data archive
McGinnis S. and L. O. Mearns, 2021: Building a climate service for North America based on the NA-CORDEX data archive. Climate Services, 22,
Seth McGinnis
Associate Scientist