International Climate Activities
Climate research and planning on the regional and global scale

International Climate Activities
Climate research and planning on the regional and global scale
We participate in a number of international activities, particularly the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the Conference of the Parties (COPs) activities related to global decreases in greenhouse gas emissions and development of adaptation planning on the regional and global scale. In the IPCC WGI Report (Climate Science), Mearns was a lead author of the Atlas chapter for the North America section and Melissa Bukovsky was a contributing author for Chapter 10 on regional methods. Both Mearns and Bukovsky are experts in regional climate.
Mearns acts as the Head of Delegation for UCAR and had attended multiple COPs including COP21, 25, and 26
Bukovsky is a member of the Science Advisory Team for the World Climate Research Program’s Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (, has contributed to both NA-CORDEX and CORDEX-CORE efforts, and has been a co-convener of the “Regional climate modeling, including CORDEX” session at the European Geophysical Union’s General Assembly for several years.
Representative Projects
- IPCC (+Atlas) - IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1: The Physical Science Basis addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science.
- COP - Mearns acts as the Head of Delegation for UCAR and had attended multiple COPs including COP21, 25, and 26
Projections of North American snow from NA-CORDEX and their uncertainties, with a focus on model resolution
McCrary, R. R., L. O. Mearns, M. Hughes, S. Biner., and M. S. Bukovsky, 2022: Projections of North American snow from NA-CORDEX and their uncertainties, with a focus on model resolution. Climatic Change, 170(3), 1-25.