Mind the Gap

Mind the Gap workshop
Jul. 10 to Jul. 12, 2019

9:00 am – 5:00 pm MDT

Main content

Why a Workshop?

Weather, water, and climate impact nearly every sector of the economy and nearly every citizen of the United States. In an effort to meet the changing needs and concerns of all sectors in the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise, synergistic linkages between government entities, private sector organizations, and universities have developed and grown over the last several decades.

In recent years, the changing private sector landscape in atmospheric sciences has exposed existing gaps in the education and preparation of the atmospheric science workforce and the skillsets needed for private sector employment. Students and faculty from a variety of meteorology programs have expressed that there is a lack of awareness regarding existing private sector career opportunities and the requisite skillsets to pursue those careers.

How can academic departments and programs work with the private sector to better prepare students for the wide ranging career opportunities in atmospheric science? This workshop is organized around finding answers to this question.


We are grateful to our sponsors

The National Science Foundation
American Meteorological Society
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Commodity Weather Group
Millersville University

 Mind the Gap Workshop 2019


The Organizing Committee

Lisa Packard (Logistics), NCAR
Stephen Bennett, Riskpulse
Heidi Centola,The Weather Company, IBM Watson IoT 
Dr. Larry Gloeckler, Riskpulse 
Dr. Sue Ellen Haupt, NCAR 
Dr. Andrea L. Lang, University at Albany, SUNY

Email the organizing committee:

mind_the_gap@ riskpulse.com