Training And Capacity Building
NSF's Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE) Grant led by Anu Ramaswami (University of Minnesota), Marian Chertow (Yale), Ted Russell (Georgia-Tech), Paty Romero- Lankao (RS-Cities, NCAR), Chris Weible (University of Colorado Denver) and Rachelle Hollander (The National Academy of Engineering, NAE) held
- its Sustainable Cities Workshop at the Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society
National Academy of Engineering DC (April 24-26 2013) ( - its first PIRE International Summer School and Field Work in India (June – July 2013)
CSAP scientists Paty Romero-Lankao and Olga Wilhelmi co-coordinated the Colloquium Governance and Knowledge Integration at the Science-Policy Interface 8-12 April, 2013 - Quito, Ecuador. This colloquium provided the approaches, tools and techniques to understanding governance issues shaping knowledge integration at the science-policy interface (e.g., models of policy-science links, use of information, institutional capacity, and equity and justice).
In collaboration with Roberto Sanchez (COLFEN, Mexico) Ricardo Jordan (CEPAL) and Marcella Ohira (IAI), Paty Romero-Lankao drafted a practical and useful guide to adaptation and mitigation experiences in Latin American cities. She is currently convening author of the IPCC-AR5 North American chapter and author of its Technical Summary and Summary for Policy Makers to be launched in March 2014.
Please direct questions/comments about this page to:
Olga Wilhelmi
Head of GIS Program