Training And Capacity Building


NSF's Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE) Grant led by Anu Ramaswami (University of Minnesota), Marian Chertow (Yale), Ted Russell (Georgia-Tech), Paty Romero- Lankao (RS-Cities, NCAR), Chris Weible (University of Colorado Denver) and Rachelle Hollander (The National Academy of Engineering, NAE) held

  1. its Sustainable Cities Workshop at the Center for Engineering, Ethics, and Society
    National Academy of Engineering DC (April 24-26 2013) (
  2. its first PIRE International Summer School and Field Work in India (June – July 2013)

CSAP scientists Paty Romero-Lankao and Olga Wilhelmi co-coordinated the Colloquium Governance and Knowledge Integration at the Science-Policy Interface 8-12 April, 2013 - Quito, Ecuador. This colloquium provided the approaches, tools and techniques to understanding governance issues shaping knowledge integration at the science-policy interface (e.g., models of policy-science links, use of information, institutional capacity, and equity and justice).

In collaboration with Roberto Sanchez (COLFEN, Mexico) Ricardo Jordan (CEPAL) and Marcella Ohira (IAI), Paty Romero-Lankao drafted a practical and useful guide to adaptation and mitigation experiences in Latin American cities. She is currently convening author of the IPCC-AR5 North American chapter and author of its Technical Summary and Summary for Policy Makers to be launched in March 2014.


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Olga Wilhelmi

Head of GIS Program
