Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Prediction
Precise Location-Based Weather Forecasts Wherever You Are
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Prediction
Precise Location-Based Weather Forecasts Wherever You Are
RAL has been a leader in the development of intelligent weather prediction systems that blend data from numerical weather prediction models, statistics datasets, real–time observations, and human intelligence to optimize forecasts at user–defined locations. The Dynamic Integrated Forecast System (DICast®) is an example of this technology and it is currently being used by three of the nation's largest private sector weather service companies. There is a growing desire in industry to have fine–tuned forecasts for specific user–defined locations. This trend is clear in the energy, transportation, agriculture, and location–based service industries. RAL's expertise in meteorology, engineering, and applied mathematics and statistics, is being utilized to address society's growing need for accurate weather information.
- Xcel
- Global Weather Corporation (GWC)
- Schneider Electric (Telvent)
Branko Kosovic
Director, Weather Systems Assessment Program