SIP Coordination Meeting

Jan. 31 to Feb. 1, 2018

1:30 pm MST

College Park, Maryland
Main content


To present the status of SIP activities and facilitate coordination among SIP working groups in preparation for an annual update of the SIP for FY19-21.  Groups will present progress and accomplishments, and address issues and dependencies requiring resolution.   SIP working group co-leads will receive information and direction needed to return to their working groups and coordinate updates to their respective SIP Annexes for the annual update of the SIP.


Day 1

9:00 am Welcome/General NGGPS/SIP Overview and Status (Ming Ji/Fred Toepfer)

      • Meeting Goals/Approach

      • FY2018 Spend Plan Priorities

9:20 am Charge to Group (Brian Gross/Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner)

9:40 am UFS Governance Briefing (Fred Toepfer/Hendrik Tolman)

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Community Engagement  (10 min each, with 10 min at end of session for Q&A)

11:15 am EMC Implementation Plan (and Alignment with SIP) (Brian Gross)   

12:00 pm Lunch

12:15 pm           Lunchtime Presentation on CAPS effort (FV3 at CAM resolutions) (Ming Xue)

1:00 pm              Break

Project Briefings by Teams (15 min each, 10 min with 5 min for Q&A) (SIP google folder /

website)  Project Briefings include:

      • Significant project milestone accomplishments

      • Project milestone issues

      • Team coordination/dependency successes/issues

1:15 pm NGGPS Global Model Suites Planned for NCEP/EMC Operations  (Vijay Tallapragada)

1:30 pm System Architecture (Cecelia DeLuca)

1:45 pm Infrastructure (Rusty Benson)

2:00 pm Dynamics and Nesting (Sundararaman Gopalakrishnan)

2:15 pm Model Physics (Jack Kain)

2:30 pm Data Assimilation (Tom Auligne)

2:45 pm Mesoscale/Convection Allowing Models (CAM) (Curtis Alexander)

3:00 pm Break

3:15 pm Marine Models (Avichal Mehra/Pat Burke)

3:30 pm Aerosols and Atmospheric Composition (Ivanka Stajner)

3:45 pm Ensembles (Tom Hamill)

4:00 pm Post-Processing (Jeff Craven)

4:15 pm Verification/Validation (Tara Jensen)

4:30 pm Land Surface Models (LSM) and Hydrology (Christa Peters-Lidard)

4:45 pm First Day Wrap-Up

5:00 pm Adjourn



8:30 am Networking/Beverages

9:00 am Data Assimilation Planning for the Unified Forecast System (Panel)

10:25 am Break

10:40 am CAM Discussion (Panel)

Website presented during Adam Clark’s discussion:

12:00 pm Lunch

12:45 pm Verification, Validation and Test Plan for the Unified Forecast System (Panel)

2:15 pm UFS Steering Committee (Richard Rood and Hendrik Tolman)

  • Role, Priorities and Communication

  • Operating plan for UFS Steering Committee and Working Groups

  • Relationship between the Steering Committee and Working Groups

  • Scheduling of Communications

3:00 pm Break

3:15 pm Review/Way Ahead (Brian Gross/Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner)

      • Path to SIP V2

      • Team Coordination Dynamics

      • Next Meeting Schedule

4:15 pm Adjourn

Sherrie S. Morris
Program Support Scientist, NWS/OSTI
Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS)
Science and Technology Corporation
NOAA Office # 15111

Liz Hoswell
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Research Applications Lab
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO  80307-3000
(303) 497-1535 - phone
(303) 497-8401 - fax