WRF-Hydro® V5.2 Test Cases

Standalone Croton New York v5.2 Test Case

This example test case includes a small region (15km by 16km) encompassing the West Branch of the Croton River, NY, USA (USGS stream gage 0137462010) during hurricane Irene, 2011-08-26 to 2011-09-02. The simulation begins with a restart from a spinup period from 2010-10-01 to 2011-08-26. There are 3 basic routing configurations included in the test case, National Water Model (NWM), Gridded, and NCAR Reach.

(uses the v5.1.1 User Guide)
Version & Date
WRF-Hydro V5.2.0
User Guide (v5.1.1)


Map of Croton New York Standalone Test Case for WRF-Hydro

Coupled WRF|WRF-Hydro v5.2 Front Range Colorado Test Case

This is a test case for the coupled WRF | WRF-Hydro modeling system. It includes prepared namelists for all model components, domain and parameter files generated from the WRF-Hydro GIS preprocessing tools, and data to be used as initial and boundary conditions for the simulations period. This test case was developed with the intent for it to be able to be run on relatively small (e.g. desktop) systems for instructional purposes and used as a tool to ensure that the coupled modeling system is functioning properly. In this test case, two nested model domains (with hydro components operating on the inner domain) extend over a portion of the Colorado Front Range influenced by a large flood event in 2013. Initial and boundary conditions for the simulation are prescribed from the NAM forecast. Users should be aware that modifications have been made to the model configuration and initial conditions in order to produce a hydrologic response over a relatively small geographic domain and period of interest. Therefore namelists should not be referenced as an example of best practices for domain configuration and model physics selection. Likewise, the simulation results should not be evaluated as a real simulation.
Version & Date
WRF-Hydro V5.2.0
User Guide (v5.1.1)

WRF/WRF-Hydro - Front Range Colorado Coupled Test Case study area

Map of Front Range Colorado Coupled Test Case for WRF/WRF-Hydro

Oahu Hawaii v5.2.x Test Case (NWM configuration only)

This example case includes prepared geospatial data and input files for a sample domain (region of interest) and prepared forcing data. The domain encompasses the island of Oahu, HI. The simulation period extends from December 10th, 2020 through December 15th, 2020 and starts from restart files generated from a multiyear spin-up period. The forcing data prepared for this example case is downscaled data from theNorth American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) with supplemental precipitation data derived from gage observations. The domain files are a subset of the Hawaii instance of the National Water Model (NWM) configuration of WRF-Hydro. This test case is compatible with model code version 5.2.x.
Version & Date
WRF-Hydro V5.2.x

Temporal Coverage

Begin datetime
End datetime


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