Global Climatology Analysis Tool (GCAT)

The Global Climatology Analysis Tool (GCAT) is capable of generating fine-scale (3.3km) climatological analyses anywhere around the globe. For example, in a given month, analyses for each of the past 40 years are generated. Uncertainty in the mean analysed meteorological fields is derived from the ensemble and, for risk assessment, can be input into plume models, such as the DOD HPAC application.

WRF ensemble settings runs anywhere in the world with the GCAT web interface.
WRF ensemble settings runs anywhere in the world with the GCAT web interface.

By applying: 1) NCAR's MM5-based Real-Time Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (RT-FDDA) system; 2) the NCAR-NCEP Reanalysis Project (NNRP) 2.5 degree, 40-year gridded model dataset for lateral boundary conditions; and 3) observations from the NCAR ADP historical repository, GCAT creates a set of probabilistic forecasts and plume products to support the National Ground Intelligence Center's (NGIC) mission for Chemical Biological and Radionucleide (CBRN) consequence analysis. GCAT uses the climatological information generated from RT-FDDA, and couples it to the Second order Closure Integrated PUFF (SCIPUFF) dispersion model, which is part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA) Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) toolset. This automated system takes advantage of the Linux cluster technology to perform the necessary climatological and plume-modeling computations. Outputs consist of data files and images that can be downloaded through a web interface.



NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project (NNRP)
Scientific Computing Division's Data Support Section

Automated Data Processing (ADP)
Scientific Computing Division's Data Support Section



F. Vandenberghe, R. Weingruber, M. Casado, S. Swartz, R. Sheu, M. Ge, Al  Bourgeoi, T. Betancourt, S. Swerdlin, T. Warner The Global Climatology Analysis Tool . March 2006.
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Journal Publications

Warner, TT., Bowers, JF., Swerdlin, SP., Beitler, BA. A Rapidly Deployable Operational Mesoscale Modeling System for Emergency-Response Applications. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. Vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 709-716. May 2004. abstract

Warner, TT., Sheu, R; Bowers, JF., Ian Sykes, R., Henn, DS. Ensemble Simulations with Coupled Atmospheric Dynamic and Dispersion Models: Illustrating Uncertainties in Dosage Simulations. J. Appl. Meteorol. Vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 488-504. May 2002. abstract

Conference Publications and Presentations

F. Vandenberghe. Estimates of Regional Climate using a Model-Based Analysis Tool. October 2005.
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F. Vandenberghe, T. Warner, S. Swerdlin, R. Babarsky. A Relocatable Regional Climatological Analysis Tool for CBR Hazards Assessment.July 2005.
(pdf) (html)


Simulation of an anthrax release in downtown Torino in February. The mean winds from an ensemble of 40 MM5 runs was used to drive the Defense Threat Reduction Agency SCIPUFF Transport and Diffusion model.

Simulation of gas release over Gaza, using GCAT downscaling capabilities.