Mosquitoes and Ticks and Fleas, Oh My

NCAR hosting workshop on vector-borne diseases related to climate

NCAR hosting workshop on vector-borne diseases related to climate

Lyme disease, dengue, plague, West Nile virus, Chikungunya, Babesia – diseases that make your skin crawl, and worse, make populations very sick. Experts from NCAR, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and universities will meet in Boulder to discuss climate variability and change and its relation to vector-borne diseases.

The 2015 NCAR/CDC Workshop on Climate and Health will focus on vector-borne diseases related to human health.
The 2015 NCAR/CDC Workshop on Climate and Health will focus on vector-borne diseases related to human health.

Organized by RAL’s Mary Hayden, the purpose of the workshop is to train health professionals and early career climate and health researchers (public health officials, graduate students, post-docs and early career scientists and faculty) in the development of robust interdisciplinary research projects in the complex area of climate and health. Registration is full, but slides from the presentations will be available after the workshop at