RAL's Wildfire Modeling Team wins the 2021 HPC Innovation Award
A real-world AI achievement that directly benefits humanity

Congratulations to RAL's team for winning the High Performance Computing (HPC) User Forum Innovation Excellence Award for their entry "Better wildfire models save property and life: refined fidelity of predictive models using AI.” The HPC Innovation Excellence Awards recognize noteworthy achievements by users of high-performance computing (HPC), which includes simulation, AI and other advanced analytics, quantum computing, and other methods and technologies.The award was announced during the HPC User Forum Meeting that took place virtually from March 28 to March 30. Branko Kosović presented an overview of their work, which you can view here.
This prestigious award showcases HPC-supported, real-world achievements with significant potential for benefiting humanity; namely, achievements that demonstrate the value of HPC for research and development in government, academic or private-sector organizations. A description of the HPC User Forum and list of steering committee members can be found at www.hpcuserforum.com. Award winners received a $1,000 honorarium, an award certificate and physical trophy recognizing their achievements.
Our Team
Bill Mahoney |
Amanda Siems Anderson |
Branko Kosović |
Amy DeCastro |
Barbara Brown |
Bill Petzke |
Jason Knievel |
Domingo Muñoz-Esparza |
Jim Cowie |
Maria Frediani |
Pedro Jimenez Muñoz |
Timothy W. Juliano |
Jennifer Boehnert |
Kevin Sampson |