Observational Datasets in South America
Many of the regular precipitation and temperature observations in South America are operated by governmental institutions dedicated to water management and forecasting operations. We have gathered some of the publicly available data and combined them with the global datasets that are available in this region.
Climatological and Hydrological Observations for the South American Andes: In situ Stations, Satellite, and Reanalysis Data Sets
A summary of observations datasets in South America
Condom et al. (2020)
Front. Earth Sci., 09 April 2020
Sec. Hydrosphere
The following tables summarize observational datasets in South America. For further information contact Lucia Scaff (lucia.scaff@usask.ca) or Kyoko Ikeda (kyoko@ucar.edu). *many of the websites are in Spanish or Portuguese and need registration
Weather Stations
country | variables | Period | datasource | URL-data | URL-documentation |
Argentina | Precipitation, temperature extremes | 2010-2020* | IANIGLA-SSRH | Data link | |
Argentina | Precip., temperature, dewpoint, wetbulb, ew, ps, psl, wind speed and direction, wind gust and direction, pressure tendency, hourly and 6hourly precipitation | 1 Jan 2018-31 Dec. 2018 | WMO | Data Link | |
Argentina | Several variables | SNIH | Data Link | ||
Argentina | For agriculture (e.g. T, P, HR, Frost hours, radiation, etc) | variable | SIGA | Data Link | |
Brazil | Precipitation, temperature extremes, RH, Td, Pressure, Wind, radiation | 2010-2018* | INMET | Data Link | |
Brazil | T, PR, RH, U2 | 1980–2013 | Data Link | Documentation Link | |
Brazil | Rainfall, River levels, flow rates, water quality, and sediments | Depends on the station | ANA | Data Link | Doucumentation Link |
Chile | Precipitation, temperature extremes | 1979-2016 | CAMELS-CR2met | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Colombia | Precipitation | variable | IDEAM | Data Link | |
Peru | Temperature, Precipitation, Relative Humidity | SENAMHI | Data Link | ||
Paraguay | Several variables | DMH | Data Link | Documentation Link | |
Venezuela | Several variables | INAMEH | Data Link | ||
Global | NCEI | Data Link |
Field experiments and radiosondes
country | variables | Period | datasource | URL-data | URL-documentation |
Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru | 15 November 2002 and 15 February 2003 | SALLJEX experiment | Data Link | Documentation Link | |
Argentina | extra data sources | Data Link | |||
Argentina | extra data sources | Data Link | |||
Argentina- La Plata basin | Precipitation | 1961-1999 | CLARIS_LPB experiment | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Argentina- La Plata basin | Temperature | 1961-2000 | CLARIS_LPB experiment | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Peru and Bolivia | 2014-2018 | DECADE experiment | Data Link | Documentation Link | |
Radiosondes South America | vertical profiles of Hgt, T, Td. RH, w, wind, etc | U off Wyoming | Data Link |
Gridded data (from observations and remote data)
country | variables | Period | datasource | URL-data | URL-documentation |
Brazil | T, PR, RH, U2 | 1980–2013 | Data Link | Documentation Link | |
Chile | Precipitation, temperature extremes | 1979-2018 | CAMELS-CR2met | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Chile | Precipitation | 1981-2016 | CAMELS-CHIRPS | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Chile | Precipitation | 1979-2016 | CAMELS-MSWEP | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Chile | Precipitation | 1998-2016 | CAMELS-TMPA | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Peru | Precipitation, temperature extremes | 1981-2017 | SENAMHI | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Latitudes 60°N-S | Precipitation | 2000-present | TRMM 3B42 V7.0 | Data Link | Documentation Link |
Latitudes 90°N-S | Precipitation | 2000-present | GPM-IMERG V06 | Data Link | Documentation Link |