South America Affinity Group - Meeting Minutes

SAAG Meeting Minutes

South America Affinity Group (SAAG)
Jul. 10, 2024

10:00 – 11:00 am MDT

Main content

This page contains meeting minutes and presentation records. The meetings are organized chronologically starting with the most recent on top.

June 26, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Erin)
  • SAAG Leadership change discussion
  • Please let Erin or Andrew know if you would like to present to the group


Video Recording
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June 12, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Ernani Nascimento - Rio Grande do Sul floods
  • Jess Baker - Local and regional climate impacts of tropical land use change
  • Next meeting: June 26th, 2024
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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May 29, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Kristen Rasmussen – Update on NSF AccelNet proposal
  • Francina Dominguez – Update on Manaus workshop
  • Andreas – 8th CPCM workshop abstract submission deadline
  • Next meeting: June 12th, 2024
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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May 15, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Andreas)
  • WRF SAAG simulation data transfer to Chile (Andreas)
  • Change in SAAG leadership (Roy)
  • Next meeting: May 29th, 2024
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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May 8, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Andreas)
  • Andrew Gettelman and Pier Luigi Vidale – WCRP Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity Hackathon in South America
  • Limbert Fernando - Evaluation of temperature and precipitation from CORDEX-CORE South America and Eta-RCM regional climate simulations over the complex terrain of Subtropical Chile
  • Next meeting: May 15th, 2024
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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April 17, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Andreas & Roy – Abstract registration is open for the IIIV CPCM Workshop 
  • Francina – SAAG visualization is now on Youtube ( 
  • Changhai Liu – Continued discussion about analysis of WRF model performance over South America
  • Brian Dobbins - Data access and compute
  • Next meeting: May 1st, 2024 Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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    Changhai - SAAG reference paper figures


April 3, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Francina – Update from land-cover change meeting
  • Changhai Liu – Analysis of WRF model performance over South America
  • Next meeting: April 17th, 2024 Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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March 20, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Francina & David - SAAG data visualization
  • Roy & Andreas - Discussion on NCAR Water System Program Outcomes
  • Andreas - Discussion on Future Climate Analyses
  • Next meeting: April 3rd, 2024 Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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February 7, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Lucia and Miguel – Update on SAAG data sharing in Chile
  • Charles Jones – The South American Low Level Jet (SALLJ)
  • Luke Parsons - S American/Amazonian drying trends under warming and its relationship w ENSO/E-W tropical Pacific SST gradients in CMIP5/CMIP6 models
  • Changhai – Continue discussion on PGW future climate change results
  • Next meeting: Feb 21th, 2024


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January 24, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Lucia Scaff & Miguel Angel Lagos - Storage of WRF SAAG simulations in Chile
  • Kate - Data sharing of MetOffice simulation
  • Laura Paccini - Influence of soil moisture on convective systems in South America by storm-resolving simulations
  • Next meeting: Feb 7th, 2023 Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group.


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- Agenda
- Kate: MetOffice data sharing

January 10, 2024


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Marcia - Pan-American Meteorology Congress (
  • Andreas – SAAG presence at GEWEX open science conference (
  • Sun – Update on deforestation scenario simulation coordination
  • Changhai – Update on SAAG PGW simulations
  • All - Discussion about research that leverages the PGW simulations
  • AOB
  • Next meeting: Jan 24th, 2023
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you want to present to the group.


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December 20, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Roy – Collaborations within the SAAG community
  • Emily Potter - EGU session “CR1.4/HS13.5 The Andean Cryosphere: water, snow, ice and climate”
  • Kate Halladay - Update on MetOffice South America meeting
  • Changhai – Update on SAAG PGW simulations
  • Next meeting: Jan 10th, 2023
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group.


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November 15, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Kristen Rasmussen – Update on NSF AccelNet proposal
  • Marcos Andrade – Are we close to a tipping point in the Amazon basin?
  • Bruno Zanetti Ribeiro – Severe convective storm observations in South America
  • Kyoko/Changhai – Update on SAAG PGW simulations
  • Next meeting: Nov 29th, 2023
    Please let Andreas, Roy, or Lulin know if you would like to present to the group.


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October 18, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Francina – SAAG visualization
  • Julia – Using satellite data for model evaluation
  • Kyoko – Update on SAAG PGW simulations
    Next meeting: Nov 1st, 2023 Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group


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September 20, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Andreas)
  • Xianan Jiang – CAM6 rainfall over the Amazon
  • Kyoko Ikeda – Access to historical WRF SAAG simulations through NCAR’s RDA system
  • Andreas – SAAG research coordination
  • Next meeting: October 4th, 2023
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group.    


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September 6, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Andreas – summary of the 7th CPCM workshop
  • Lucia - station-based analysis
  • Sun - presentation of community paper idea
  • Changhai Liu – Update on WRF SAAG PGW simulations
  • Next meeting: Sep 20th, 2023
    Please let Andreas or Roy know if you would like to present to the group.


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August 9, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Francina Dominguez – revision of SAAG BAMS paper
  • Monica Morrison - update on SAAG-focused ASP colloquium proposal
  • Amanda Rehbein – Pressure level-based evaluation of WRF SAAG simulations
  • Changhai Liu – Update on WRF SAAG PGW simulations
  • Next meeting: Aug 23rd, 2023
    Please let Roy or Andreas know if you would like to present to the group.


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July 26, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy & Andreas)
  • Monica Morrison - update on SAAG-focused ASP colloquium
  • Erin Potter: evaluation of SAAG simulations in the southern Andes
  • Ernani De Lima Nascimento: Homogenized radiosonde soundings for the La Plata Basin
  • Next meeting: Aug 9th, 2023
    Please let Roy or Andreas know if you would like to present to the group.


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July 12, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy)
  • Monica Morrison – Update on NCAR ASP colloquium proposal
  • Changhai Liu – Update on SAAG 21-year current climate overview paper
  • Monica Morrison – Update on SAAG convergence-science paper
  • Next meeting: July 26th, 2023
    Please let Roy or Andreas know if you would like to present to the group.


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June 28, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to the meeting  (Roy)
  • Graham Strickert - co-production approach between atmospheric researchers, social scientists, and artists for climate change adaptation
  • Changhai Liu – Update on SAAG 21-year current climate overview paper
  • Next meeting: July 12th, 2023
    Please let Roy or Andreas know if you would like to present to the group.


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June 14, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy)
  • Kyoko & Changhai - Update on PGW simulations
  • Andreas Prein - Update on Convection Working Group MCS tracking inter-comparison
  • Julia Kukulies - Update on Oxford cloud tracking workshop 
  • Next meeting: June 28th, 2023.  Please let Roy or Andreas know if you would like to present to the group.


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May 31, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas)
  • Mariano Masiokas - update on ANDEX meeting
  • David Ripayre - Interactive WRF SAAG simulation visualization and analysis
  • Julia Kukulies - Update on Oxford meeting4. 
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai and Kyoko).
  • Next meeting: June 14th, 2023.  
    Please let Roy or I know if you would like to present to the group.  


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May 17, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy and Andreas)
  • Update on BAMS paper by Francina
  • Update on MAAG (Lulin).
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai).
  • Summary of the NCAR Water System retreat (Roy)
  • Summary of the Oxford meeting (Julia).
  • Next meeting: May 31st, 2023.  
    Please let Andreas or I know if you would like to present to the group.


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May 3, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas)
  • Brief report out from NCAR Water System Program retreat (Andreas)
  • Saul Miranda Alonso talk  “Activities at the Center for Meteorology Research and   Forecasting” (Julio Bacmeister the host). 
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai and Kyoko).
  • Next meeting: May 17, 2023.  


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April 19, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas & Roy)
  • Update on BAMS paper by Francina
  • Saul Miranda Alonso talk  “Activites at the Center for Meteorology Research and   Forecasting” (Julio Bacmeister the host).
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai and Kyoko).
  • Next meeting: May 3rd , 2023.  Please let Andreas or I know if you would like to present to the group.


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April 5, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas & Roy)
  • Carlos Minjarez - meteorology of northwestern Mexico
  • Update by Francina on BAMS SAAG strategy paper
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai)
  • Next meeting: April 19, 2023


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March 22, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas & Roy)
  • Update on PGW simulation for SAAG (Changhai)
  • Update by Francina on BAMS SAAG strategy paper
  • Sun – Introduction of SAAG Law paper


  • Next meeting: April 5, 2023


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March 8, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas)
  • Presentation by Rich Neale of application to NCAR Advanced Study Program summer colloquium (Rich Neale)
  • Discussion of possible AGU session (Roy)
  • Discussion of future papers (Changhai Liu)
  • Next meeting: March 22, 2023


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February 22, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Andreas)
  • Kristen Rasmussen - Convective modes from observations and in the SAAG simulation
  • David Gochis – WRF-Hydro SAAG simulations
  • Discussion of draft paper led by Monica Morrison.
  • Lluis - advertisement of SAAG data in South America
  • Kyoko & Changhai - PGW change from LENS2 over South America
  • Next meeting: March 8th, 10-11, MT Colorado.


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February 8, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy)
  • Large allocation of computer time deadline coming up

      a.  NCAR requests due on March 6th

      b. University request due on March 13th

  • Discussion of the configuration of the future South America high resolution simulation and forcing by LENS2 (Changhai Liu and Kyoko)
  • Discussion of the draft paper led by Francina Dominguez
  • Discussion of draft paper led by Monica Morrison
  • Next meeting: February 22nd, 10-11, MT Colorado


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January 11, 2023


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy)
  • SAAG dinner at AMS 2023
  • Julia Bacmeister - Meso America Simulations
  • Monica Morrison - SAAG convergence science paper
  • Andreas Prein - Future SAAG simulation period discussion
  • Next meeting: Jan. 15th, 10-11, MT Colorado


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November 30, 2022


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy/Andreas)
  • AGU SAAG session (Roy)
  • Update on MCS tracking intercomparison study (Andreas Prein)
  • Next meeting: Dec. 14th, 10-11, MT Colorado


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November 2, 2022


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy/Andreas)
  • Discussion of strategic SAAG paper to BAMS (Francina Dominguez)
  • Design of future climate SAAG simulations (Andreas/Changhai)
  • Next meeting: November 16th, 10-11, MDT Colorado


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October 19, 2022


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy/Andreas)
  • Update on Accelnet NSF proposal (Kristen)
  • Discussion of strategic SAAG paper to BAMS (Francina Dominguez)
  • Next meeting: November 2nd, 10-11, MDT Colorado


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October 5, 2022


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy/Andreas)
    • Discussion of the AGU sessions (Oral, Oral on-line, Poster)
  • South America Affinity Group web page updated (Andreas)

  • Update on strategic SAAG BAMS paper (Francina)
  • Patrick Callaghan update on his work comparing CESM to our WRF SAAG simulation
  • Next meeting: October 19th, 10-11, MDT Colorado



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September 21, 2022


  • Welcome and introduction to meeting  (Roy)
    • Discussion of the AGU sessions (Oral, Oral on-line, Poster)
  • South America Affinity Group web page updated (Andreas) 
  • De-brief of 6th CPM workshop (Roy and Andreas)
  • Update on AccelNet proposal (Kristen)
  • Update on BAMS strategic paper proposal (Francina)
  • Update on future simulations (Changhai)
  • Next meeting: October 5th, 10-11, MDT Colorado


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August 24, 2022


  • Welcome from Andreas
  • AccelNet proposal (Andreas Prein) 
  • 22-year simulation summary evaluation (Kyoko Ikeda)
  • Presentation on modeled OLR (Marcia Zilli)
  • Update on future simulations (Changhai Liu)


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August 10, 2022


  • Welcome from Roy
  • Roy - Update on Water Affinity Group Meeting (WAAG)
  • Lluis - Update on 6th CPM workshop in Argentina (Sep. 6-9)
  • Andreas - New SAAG website layout
  • Francina - Update on BAMS strategic paper proposal
  • Changhai - Plan for South-America Future Climate Simulation


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July 13, 2022



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June 29, 2022


  • Welcome by Roy
  • Watch out for different zoom link to join SAAG meetings in July
  • Andreas - Discussion on publication strategies
  • AGU session on South America and Caribbean has been accepted
  • Changhai - 20-year SAAG simulation has been finished


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June 15, 2022


  • Roy - Welcome
  • Changhai - Overview paper on 3-year long simulations
  • Monica Morrision - Overview SAAG article
  • Changhai and Kyoko - Update on 20-year historical SAAG simulations
  • Roy - Discussion on future climate simulation


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June 1, 2022


  • Roy - Welcome
  • Update on science overview document
  • Monika Morrison is working on SAAG paper on convergence science
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year WRF SAAG run
  • Xiajuan Liu - University Irvine
    Impact of Amazon Deforestration on Local Weather and Hydrological Cycle


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May 4, 2022


  • Roy - Welcome
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year WRF SAAG run
  • Roy - Update on collaborations with ANDEX
  • Lluis - Update on 6th CPM Workshop (


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April 20, 2022


  • Roy - Welcome
  • Roy - AGU 2022 fall meeting SAAG session discussion
  • Kyoko - Overview on SAAG WRF simulation data output and data access
  • Kyoko - Update on 4 km WRF SAAG simulations


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April 6, 2022


  • Roy - Welcome
  • Roy - Submission of SAAG session proposal to AGU 2022 fall meeting in Chicago, IL
  • Lluis - Update on 6th Convection-Permitting Modeling Workshop
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year long SAAG simulations
  • Andreas - Update on MCS tracking comparison paper
  • Roy - Write a document summarizing goals and key challanges of SAAG group
  • Roy - Should we move the bi-weekly SAAG meeting time?


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March 23, 2022


  • Andreas Prein - Welcome
  • Updates by Kyoko and Changhai on the SAAG simulation
  • Single variable files (Andreas)
  • Report-out from Deep Convection and Extreme Precipitation WG meeting on March 16 (Andreas)
  • 6th Convective Permitting Climate Modeling workshop in Sept. 7,8 and 9, 2021 (Lluis and Maria)
    Abstract submission is open -
  • 1st Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling School, 10 Sep. 2022, Buenos Aires, (Marta Llopart)
  • NSF PIRE proposal update (Andreas on behalf of Chris)
  • Debrief of Water System retreat SAAG presentations & discussions March 9th
  • Next meeting: SAAG session at the NCAR Water System retreat, April 6th


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February 23, 2022


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Introduction of Ermani de  Lima Nasciento
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year simulation
  • Andreas - Single variable files
  • Lluis & Maria - Update on 6th CPM workshop
  • Talk by Yan Tiang (NCAR Scientist) on her work on South America entitled: “"What determines the number and the timing of pulses in afternoon precipitation in the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) observation“
  • Roy - NCAR Water System Retreat (March 8-10, 2022)
    - March 9 is focused on South America
  • Water System retreat will occur on March 8,9,10 and will focus on SAAG on March 9th
  • Chris Castro - Update on PIRE proposal


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February 9, 2022


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year simulation
    - 12 years are finished (20-years will likely be finished by early June)
  • Changhai - When should we run the PGW simulation?
  • Lluis - Update on 6th CPM workshop
  • Andreas - Update on SAAG Dashboard
  • Roy - NCAR Water System Retreat (March 8-10, 2022)
    - March 9 is focused on South America
  • Chris Castro - Update on PIRE proposal


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January 26, 2022


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on 20-year current climate simulations
  • Luis Garcia-Carreras (University of Manchester) - CIDAR project
    - investigation of Amazonean land-surface changes on convection and rainfall
  • Roy - Water system retreat will be held on March 9-11, 2022
  • Lluis - Upagte on the 6th CPM workshop


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January 12, 2022


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Roy - SAAG session at AGU 2021 fall meeting
  • Roy - NCAR retreat in Feb. 22-24 with South America focus on Feb. 23
  • Kyoko and Changhai - Update on the 20-year long SAAG hindcast simulations
  • Lluis and Maria - Update on 6th CPM workshop in Buenos Aires in Sep. 7-9, 2022
  • Andreas - Updated SAAG evaluation dashboard


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December 15, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Roy - SAAG session at AGU 2021 fall meeting
  • Roy - Day long hybrid meeting in Boulder in spring 2022
  • Lluis - Update on 6th CPM workshop in Buenos Aires in Sep. 2022
  • Andreas - Updated SAAG evaluation dashboard


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December 1, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Roy Rasmussen - SAAG AGU session 
    Thinking about doing a virtual session
  • Roy Rasmussen - Day-long SAAG meeting in Spring 2022 in Boulder
  • Andreas Prein - 20-year precipitation analysis dashboard
  • Andreas Prein
    Discussion Series: Tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt change in the Earth system | Amazon
  • Chris Castro - Update on PAIGH (The Pan American Institute of Geography and History) proposal


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November 17, 2021



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November 3, 2021



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October 20, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Francina Dominquez - Groundwater impacts on South American climate
  • Changhai & Kyoko - Update on SAAG production simulations
  • Andreas - Update on subregions and post-processed WRF output


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October 6, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Paula Arias - IPCC AR6 WG1 report overview
  • Andreas Prein
    - Summary of Sept. 29 Convection and Extreme Precipitation WG meeting
    - Creation of core variable list for easier data sharing
    - Update of SAAG webpage


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September 22, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Welcome
  • Kyoko Ikeda - 2010-2011 test simulation evaluation results
  • Zhixiao Zhang - Analysis of WRF diagnostic output
  • Lluis - n-down urban simulations over Buenos Aires


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September 8, 2021


  • Introduction of new SAAG members
  • Chanhai - Update on 20-year simulations status
    New tests including changing GHG concentrations and aerosol concentrations
  • Monica & Maria-Laura & Roy - Update on SAAG AGU session
  • Lluis - Update on the 6th CPM modeling workshop


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August 25, 2021



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August 11, 2021


  • Andreas - Welcome and updates
  • Andreas & Kyoko - Update and finalization of output variable
  • Andreas - South Amercian sub-regions
  • Andreas - Summary of Convection and Extreme Precipitation Working Group meeting
  • Andreas - Summery of Model Intercomparison Working Group meeting
  • Luis - Effects of HPC system on regional climate simulations


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July 28, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Changhai Liu - Update on diagnostic output variables in 20-year simulations
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Data Processing and archival plan
  • Marcia Zilli - Climate analysis of tropical-extratropical cloud bands over South Amercia


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Presented slides Kyoko

Presented slides Marcia

July 14, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Update on 3-test year evaluation
  • Changhai Liu - Diagnostic output variables in 20-year simulations


Video Recording

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Presented slides Roy

Presented slides Kyoko

Presented slides Changhai

July 7, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Adam Varble and Zhe Feng - Discussion about model data storrage strategy for 2D output
  • Changhai Liu - Update on SAAG simulations
  • Justin Minder - Update from the SAAG Andes WG


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Presented slides Roy

Presented slides Adam

June 16, 2021



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June 2, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Alejandro Martinez - 1 km simulations over Columbia
  • Andreas Prein - Deep Convection and Extreme Precipitation Working Group
  • Changhai Liu - Update on 3-year test simulations
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Evaluation of 3-year test simulatoins


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May 19, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Update on 3-year simulations
  • Changhai Liu - Update on 20-year simulation
  • Lluis Fita - Reserved venue for 6th CPM modeling workshop for the first week in September 2022 in Buenos Aires.
  • Lluis Fita - PAIGH proposal was submitted
    Funding for workshop participation.


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May 5, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Francina Dominguez - CISL computational award for 20-year long simulations
    - We got 48M core-hours and 600TB campaign storage
    - Discussion on reviewer comments and simulation strategy
  • Patric Calerhand - CESM allocation request
    - CESM simulations over South America with dx ~ 6 km
    - 18M core-hours were awarded
  • Charles Jones - UCSB allocation request
    - n-down simulations to 2 km over Norther and Central Andees domain
    - 1.6 M core-hours for WRF simulations
    - core-hours were not awarded
    - request will be resubmitted in fall
  • Chris Castro - PAIGH proposal will be submitted by May 7th
  • Anton Seimon - Weather station on Tupongato (6,505 m)


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Presented slides (Anton)

April 21, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Update on WRF three year simulations
  • Monica Morrision, Maria Laura Bettoli, and Roy Rasmussen - 2021 AGU fall meeting session proposal
    Session proposal was submitted on April 13, 2021
  • Roy - WCRP has asked if SAAG wants to become a "Lighthouse Activity"
  • Roy and Andreas - 5th Convection-Permitting Workshop (Sep. 8-10)
  • Luis and Maria - 6th Convection-Permitting Workshop in fall 2022 in Buenos Aires
  • Chris Castro - Update on PAIGH proposal
  • Andreas - Creating a Google Data Studio Dashboard for South America simulations


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April 7, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Roy - Review updated mind map of scientific topics
  • Changhai - Update of 3-year simulation status
  • Kyoko -  Access to 3-year simulation data
  • Roy & Monica -  Update on AGU SAAG session proposal
  • Roy - Plans for CPM workshop in Buenos Aires in 2022


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March 24, 2021


  • Roy Rassmussen - Welcome and updates
  • Roy and Monica - South America session at this years AGU meeting
  • Francina Dominquez - Computer request for 20 years WRF simulation
  • Roy -  6th CPM Workshop possibly in South America
  • Roy Rassmussen -  Discussion on the scientific topics and data access


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides

March 10, 2021


  • Roy - Welcome and updates
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Effect of spectral nudging on WRF model performance over South America
  • Francina Dominquez - Discussion about proposal for 20-year current and future climate simulatoins


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides

February 24, 2021


  • Roy - Welcome and updates
  • Kyoko Ikeda - Evaluation of 2018/19 WRF 4 km simulation precipitation
  • Changhai Liu - Computer request for 20-year historic and future South America simulations


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides

February 10, 2021


  • Kyoko Ikeda
    • Discussion about WRF output data sharing
  • Roy Rasmussen
    • AGU session update
    • 5th CPM workshop this September 2021
    • 6th CPM workshop in South America
  • Andreas Prein - Simulating Mesoscale Convective Systems over South America
  • Changhai Liu - Computer request for 20-year historic and future South America simulations


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides

January 27, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen
    • Introduction and new group members
    • Update from NCAR's 2021 Water Cycle Retreat
    • Plans for a South America session at 2021 AGU fall meeting
  • Adam Varble (PNNL) - Using CACTI data to study subtropical South American convective cloud systems and their representation in models


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides

January 6, 2021


  • Roy Rasmussen - Introduction and new group members
    • Everybody in the SAAG group is invited to NCAR's Water System Retreat (Jan. 20-21, 2021)
  • Anton Seimon - Tropical High-Andes Precipitation Studies
  • Changhai Liu - Update on 3-year test simulations


Video recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides


December 16, 2020


  • Introduction of new group members
  • Invitation to participate in NCAR's water system retreat (Jan. 20-21, 2021)
  • Plan to organize AGU 2021 session with South America focus
  • Next year's 5th CPM & Hazards workshop in Kyoto, Japan (September 4-6, 2021)
    Discussion about having the 6th CPM workshop in South America (need local host)
  • Changhai - Update on the WRF model runs
    The production run has started.
  • Kyoko - Update on storage of the model output


Video recording

Recording of chat discussion

Presented slides


December 2, 2020



Video recording

Recording of chat discussion


November 11, 2020


  • Welcome (Roy and Andreas)
  • Brief introduction of new members
  • South America website review
  • Update of South America WRF simulations (Changhai Liu)
  • Mountain Waves over the Drake Passage (Chris Kruse)


Video Recording

Recording of chat discussion

October 7, 2020


  • Review of Agenda (Roy)
  • Introduction of new members of the community
  • Discussion about land surface changes in the Amazon basin
    Andreas - New York Times article
    Francina - Animation of moisture transport in South America
  • Discussion of Proposed Science Topics


Video recording

Recording of chat discussion

September 23, 2020


  • Review of Agenda (Roy) 
  • Update on current high-resolution modeling work - Changhai Liu
  • Relampago MCS cases in WRF test runs - Andreas Prein
  • Update by Francina Dominguez on her Sept. request to extend the previous request from Sept. 9th until May 2021.
  • Summary of past request: Two runs conducted for two months in preparation for final test run consisting of three years, one El Nino, one La Nina, one neutral.   The outcome of these runs will form the basis for the March 2021 submission to CISL for Cheyenne supercomputer time to perform the 20 years present and 20 years future 3 km simulations over South America.
  • Discussion on the request for 20 years current and 20 years future WRF simulation over South America at 3 km grid spacing.
    Deadline for submission: March 2021 for the University Large Allocation request.
  • Date and time for next meeting (Oct. 7th, 10-11 MST?)


No video recording available

Chat recording


September 9, 2020


  • Presentation - Luis Fita Borrel
    WRF modeling in South America - using the Orchedee land surface model
  • Update on 3 km WRF simulations - Kyoko Ikeda and Changhai Liu
  • Update on simulating the diurnal cycle of precipitation - Andreas Prein


 Video Recording

August 27, 2020


  • Update from Roy
  • Review webpage content
  • Changhai and Kyoko will present an update on the model test simulations.
    Analysis of warm bias dependence on aerosol treatment
  • Andreas - sub-daily precipitation characteristic in South America test runs


Video Recording

July 29, 2020


  • Andy Newman
    GMET - Overview of the Gridded Meteorological Ensemble Tool 
  • Kristen Rasmussen
    Ingredients supporting the upscale growth of organized convection in subtropical South America
  • Changhai Liu and Kyoko Ikeda
    Update of WRF model performance over South America


Video recording

Recording of chat discussion

July 8, 2020


  • Roy Rasmussen - NCAR
    Updates including new member introduction
  • Chris Castro - U. of Arizona
    Presentation of planned convective permitting work using CORDEX framework
  • Web-site
    Powerpoint and meeting recordings will be uploaded by Monday
  • Changhai Liu and Kyoko Ikeda
    Update presentation on convective permitting modeling over South America
  • Next meeting: July 29, 2020, 10-11 a.m.



    Main focus: Group discussion on the next computer request to NCAR Computer Laboratory to perform the twenty-year historical and twenty-year future simulations at 3 km (PGW?). Need to submit in   September 2020.


Video recording

Audio recording

Recording of chat discussion


June 24, 2020




Video recording (not available)

Recording of chat discussion


May 13, 2020


  • Roy Rasmussen - NCAR
    Welcome and introduction
  • Yazmina Rojas - University of Albany
    Assessment of GPM IMERG satellite precipitation estimation and its dependence on microphysical rain regimes, over the mountains of south-central Chile
  • Lucia Scaff - University of Saskatchewan
    Observational data availability
  • Kate Halladay - Met Office, Hadley Centre
    Convection-permitting climate simulations for CSSP Brazil
  • Changhai Liu - NCAR
    South America Simulations for Nov-Dec 2018: PBL Parameterizations & Spectral Nudging Testing


Video recording

Recording of chat discussion


Please direct questions/comments about this page to:

Andrew Newman

Project Scientist II


Erin Dougherty

Project Scientist I
