Awards and Patents

Award Type
Award Type Title Recipient(s) Year
external Top 50 Research Leaders of the Year, Scientific American Sharman, Robert and Cornman, Larry 2003
internal UCAR Outstanding Publication Award (Nominee) Guifu Zhang, Ed Brandes, and J. Vivekanandan (RAP) 2003
patent Method for Determining Storm Predictability Jim Wilson 2002
external NASA Turning Goals into Reality In-Flight Icing Research Team 2002
external FAA Excellence in Aviation Research Award Aviation Weather Research Program 2002
external NWA Aviation Weather Award Aviation Weather Research Program Team 2002
internal UCAR Outstanding Publication Award (Nominee) Larry Cornman, Corinne Morse, and Kent Goodrich, Steven W. Mueller, and R. Andrew Weekley 2002
internal UCAR Scientific and/or Technical Advancement Award (Winner) Bill Mahoney, Mike Dixon, Deirdre Garvey, Frank Hage, Celia Chen, David Johnson, Niles Oien, Susan Dettling, Carol Park, Jordan Powers, Bill Kuo, Jim Bresch, Dale Barker, and Al Bourgeois 2002
patent Best in Time Forecasting System Bob Barron, Wayne Moor 2001
patent Method of Moment Estimation and Feature For Devices Which Measure Spectra As a Function of Range or Time (NIMA) Lawrence B. Cornman, Corinne Sue Morse, Robert Kent Goodrich 2001
external NASA Turning Goals into Reality In-Flight Icing Research Team 2001
external Best Paper of Session Award, Digital Avionic Systems Conference Lindholm, Tenny A. 2001
internal UCAR Education and Outreach Award (Nominee) Marcia Politovich and Ben Bernstein 2001
internal UCAR Outstanding Publication Award (Winner) Juanzhen Jenny Sun and N. Andrew Crook 2001
patent System For Determination of Optimal Travel Path in a Multidimensional Space William L. Myers 2000
external Air Traffic Management Magazine award Turbulence and windshear warning system, Hong Kong Airport 2000
external Aviation Week Laurels Award In-situ Turbulence Detection System 2000
external AMS Fellow John McCarthy 2000
external U.S. Government Technology Leadership Award Finalist Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) 2000
external AMS Fellow James Wilson 2000
internal UCAR Outstanding Publication Award (Winner) Roy Rasmussen, Jothiram Vivekanandan, and Jeff Cole 2000
internal UCAR Scientific and/or Technical Advancement Award (Nominee) Peter Neilley, Bill Myers, Missy Petty, Gerry Wiener, Greg Thompson, Shel Dalton, and Greg Young 2000
patent Enhanced Microburst Detection System Eugene David Albo 1999
patent Method Of Moment Estimation and Feature For Devices Which Measure Spectra As a Function of Range or Time (NIMA) Lawrence B. Cornman, Corinne Sue Morse, Robert Kent Goodrich 1999
external U.S. Government Technology Leadership Award Weather Support to Deicing Decision Making (WSDDM) Team 1999